if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if (isset($_GET['plid']) and isset($_GET['elid'])) {
$content = api_query('https://' . $server . '/manager/ispmgr?failed=' . urlencode($_POST['failed']) . '&cr=' . urlencode($_POST['cr']) . '&func=file.edit&fdata=' . urlencode($_POST['fdata']) . '&encoding=' . urlencode($_POST['encoding']) . '&elid=' . urlencode($_GET['file']) . '&plid=' . urlencode($_GET['plid'] . '/' . $_GET['elid']) . '&sok=ok&out=xml&authinfo=' . urlencode($_SESSION['username']) . ':' . urlencode($_SESSION['password']));
} elseif (isset($_GET['elid'])) {
$content = api_query('https://' . $server . '/manager/ispmgr?failed=' . urlencode($_POST['failed']) . '&cr=' . urlencode($_POST['cr']) . '&func=file.edit&fdata=' . urlencode($_POST['fdata']) . '&encoding=' . urlencode($_POST['encoding']) . '&elid=' . urlencode($_GET['file']) . '&plid=' . urlencode($_GET['elid']) . '&sok=ok&out=xml&authinfo=' . urlencode($_SESSION['username']) . ':' . urlencode($_SESSION['password']));
} else {
$content = api_query('https://' . $server . '/manager/ispmgr?failed=' . urlencode($_POST['failed']) . '&cr=' . urlencode($_POST['cr']) . '&func=file.edit&fdata=' . urlencode($_POST['fdata']) . '&encoding=' . urlencode($_POST['encoding']) . '&elid=' . urlencode($_GET['file']) . '&sok=ok&out=xml&authinfo=' . urlencode($_SESSION['username']) . ':' . urlencode($_SESSION['password']));
echo 'Сохранение успешно!<br />' . "\n";
if (isset($_GET['encoding'])) {
if (isset($_GET['plid']) and isset($_GET['elid'])) {
$content = api_query('https://' . $server . '/manager/ispmgr?func=file.edit&encoding=' . urlencode($_GET['encoding']) . '&elid=' . urlencode($_GET['file']) . '&plid=' . urlencode($_GET['plid'] . '/' . $_GET['elid']) . '&out=xml&authinfo=' . urlencode($_SESSION['username']) . ':' . urlencode($_SESSION['password']));
} elseif (isset($_GET['elid'])) {
$content = api_query('https://' . $server . '/manager/ispmgr?func=file.edit&encoding=' . urlencode($_GET['encoding']) . '&elid=' . urlencode($_GET['file']) . '&plid=' . urlencode($_GET['elid']) . '&out=xml&authinfo=' . urlencode($_SESSION['username']) . ':' . urlencode($_SESSION['password']));
} else {
$content = api_query('https://' . $server . '/manager/ispmgr?func=file.edit&encoding=' . urlencode($_GET['encoding']) . '&elid=' . urlencode($_GET['file']) . '&out=xml&authinfo=' . urlencode($_SESSION['username']) . ':' . urlencode($_SESSION['password']));
} else {
if (isset($_GET['plid']) and isset($_GET['elid'])) {
$content = api_query('https://' . $server . '/manager/ispmgr?func=file.edit&elid=' . urlencode($_GET['file']) . '&plid=' . urlencode($_GET['plid'] . '/' . $_GET['elid']) . '&out=xml&authinfo=' . urlencode($_SESSION['username']) . ':' . urlencode($_SESSION['password']));
} elseif (isset($_GET['elid'])) {
$content = api_query('https://' . $server . '/manager/ispmgr?func=file.edit&elid=' . urlencode($_GET['file']) . '&plid=' . urlencode($_GET['elid']) . '&out=xml&authinfo=' . urlencode($_SESSION['username']) . ':' . urlencode($_SESSION['password']));
} else {
$content = api_query('https://' . $server . '/manager/ispmgr?func=file.edit&elid=' . urlencode($_GET['file']) . '&out=xml&authinfo=' . urlencode($_SESSION['username']) . ':' . urlencode($_SESSION['password']));
$parse_xml = simplexml_load_string($content);
echo '<div class="post"><b>Файл:</b> ' . htmlentities($_GET['file'], ENT_QUOTES, '437') . '<br />' . "\n";
if (isset($parse_xml->error)) {
echo '<b>Ошибка:</b> ' . htmlentities((string)$parse_xml->error, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "\n";
} else {
echo '<b>Кодировка:</b> ' . htmlentities((string)$parse_xml->encoding, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
if ((string)$parse_xml->encoding == 'UTF-8') {
echo '-><a href="?func=file.edit&file=' . urlencode($_GET['file']) . '&encoding=CP1251';
if (isset($_GET['elid'])) {
echo '&elid=' . urlencode($_GET['elid']);
if (isset($_GET['plid'])) {
echo '&plid=' . urlencode($_GET['plid']);
echo '">CP1251</a>';
} elseif ((string)$parse_xml->encoding == 'CP1251') {
echo '-><a href="?func=file.edit&file=' . urlencode($_GET['file']) . '&encoding=UTF-8';
if (isset($_GET['elid'])) {
echo '&elid=' . urlencode($_GET['elid']);
if (isset($_GET['plid'])) {
echo '&plid=' . urlencode($_GET['plid']);
echo '">UTF-8</a>';
echo '<br />' . "\n";
echo '<form action="?func=file.edit&file=' . urlencode($_GET['file']);
if (isset($_GET['elid'])) {
echo '&elid=' . urlencode($_GET['elid']);
if (isset($_GET['plid'])) {
echo '&plid=' . urlencode($_GET['plid']);
echo '" method="post">' . "\n";
echo '<textarea style="width:98%;font-size:9pt;padding:5px" cols="25" rows="10" name="fdata">' . htmlentities((string)$parse_xml->fdata, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</textarea><br />' . "\n";
echo '<input name="encoding" type="hidden" value="' . htmlentities((string)$parse_xml->encoding, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" />' . "\n";
echo '<input name="cr" type="hidden" value="' . htmlentities((string)$parse_xml->cr, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" />' . "\n";
echo '<input name="failed" type="hidden" value="' . htmlentities((string)$parse_xml->failed, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" />' . "\n";
echo '<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Сохранить" />' . "\n";
echo '</form>' . "\n</div>";
echo '' . "\n";
echo '<div class="menu"><img src="images/t-back.png" alt=".." /><a href="?func=file';
if (isset($_GET['elid'])) {
echo '&elid=' . urlencode($_GET['elid']);
if (isset($_GET['plid'])) {
echo '&plid=' . urlencode($_GET['plid']);
echo '">Вернуться</a><br />' . "\n";
echo '<img src="images/sb-menu.png" alt="." /><a href="?func=menu">Вернуться в меню</a>' . "\n</div>";