if ($level == 0){
header('Location: /index.php');
if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
$delete = (int) $_GET['delete'];
if ($sql -> selectCount("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `contacts` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `id_contact` = '$delete' AND `id_contact` != '0'") != 0) {
$sql -> delete("DELETE FROM `contacts` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `id_contact` = '$delete' AND `id_contact` != '0'");
$messages[] = 'Контакт успешно удален';
if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] != '1') {
$type = (int) $_GET['type'];
$order = "AND `type` = '$type'";
} else {
$type = '1';
$order = "AND `type` != '0'";
$system['title'] = 'Cписок контактов';
require SYS . 'header.php';
<div class="pagination pagination-centered pagination-small" style="margin: 4px;"><ul>
<li><?= ($type != 1 ? '<a href="?func=' . $func . '&type=1">Общие</a>' : '<a style="color: black;">Общие</a>')?></li>
<li><?= ($type != 2 ? '<a href="?func=' . $func . '&type=2">Избранные</a>' : '<a style="color: black;">Избранные</a>')?></li>
<li><?= ($type != 0 ? '<a href="?func=' . $func . '&type=0">Игнор</a>' : '<a style="color: black;">Игнор</a>')?></li>
$k_post = $sql -> selectCount("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `contacts` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' $order");
if ($k_post == 0) {
<div class="alert" style="margin: 2px;">Список контактов пуст</div>
} else {
$k_page = k_page($k_post, $system['page_str']);
$page = page($k_page);
$start = $system['page_str'] * $page - $system['page_str'];
$array = $sql -> select("SELECT * FROM `contacts` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' $order ORDER BY `time_last` DESC LIMIT $start, $system[page_str]");
foreach ($array AS $contact) {
$count = $sql -> fetch("SELECT
SUM(IF(`read` = '0' AND `id_contact` = '$user[id]' AND `id_user` = '$contact[id_contact]' AND `unlink` != '$user[id]', 1, 0)) AS 'new',
SUM(IF(`id_contact` = '$user[id]' AND `id_user` = '$contact[id_contact]' AND `unlink` != '$user[id]', 1, 0)) AS 'contact',
SUM(IF(`id_contact` = '$contact[id_contact]' AND `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `unlink` != '$user[id]', 1, 0)) AS 'user'
FROM `mail`");
$count = array('new' => (int) $count['new'], 'contact' => (int) $count['contact'], 'user' => (int) $count['user']);
<div class="<?= ($num % 2 ? "nav1" : "nav2")?>">
<a href="?func=user.contacts&delete=<?= $contact['id_contact']?>&page=<?= $page?>&type=<?= $type?>" class="close">×</a>
<?= avatar($contact['id_contact'], 4)?> <?= login($contact['id_contact'], 1)?> <a href="?func=user.mail&id=<?= $contact['id_contact']?>">[переписка]</a>
[<?= $count['contact']?>/<?= $count['user']?>]<?= ($count['new'] > 0 ? '<span class="off">+' . $count['new'] . ' (' . vremja($contact['time_last']) . ')</span>' : ' (' . vremja($contact['time_last']) . ')')?>
if ($k_page > 1) {
str('?func=' . $func . '&', $k_page, $page);