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(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
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enable_page_level_ads: true
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?= ICONS?>favicon.png">
$sban = $sql -> fetch("SELECT * FROM `ban` WHERE `id_ban` = '".$user['id']."' AND `time` > '$time' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 1");
if ($user['id'] != $sban['id_ban']) {
//if (!$func == 'user.reg')
if ($level > 0 && $func != 'user.reg') { ?>
function titleshow()
url: "/AjaxSend.php",
cache: false,
success: function(html)
if (html != 'NO')
function getCounterUpdate() {
url: '/api.php',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
if (val == 0) {
document.getElementById(key).style.display = 'none';
} else {
document.getElementById(key).style.display = '';
$('#' + key).html('<span class="counter">' + val + '</span>');
setInterval(function() { getCounterUpdate() }, 10000);
<div class="body">
<div class="logotype">
<div class="brands"><a href="/"><i class="ic-cart ic-logo"></i> Магазин</a></div>
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//<span class="hidden-phone">
if ($level > 0) { ?>
<li><a href="/?func=user.main"><i class="ic-user"></i><span class="hidden-phone">Кабинет </span></a></li>
<li><a href="/?func=user.contacts"><i class="ic-mail-4"></i><span class="hidden-phone">Почта </span><span id="counterMail"><?= ($counter['mail'] > 0 ? '<span class="counter">'.$counter['mail'] . '</span>' : '')?></span></a></li>
<li><a href="/?func=user.journal"><i class="ic-bell-alt"></i><span class="hidden-phone">Журнал </span><span id="counterJurnal"><?= ($counter['journal'] > 0 ? '<span class="counter">'.$counter['journal'] . '</span>' : '')?></span></a></li>
<? if ($level > 1) { ?>
<li><a href="/?func=admin"><i class="ic-th-large"></i><span class="hidden-phone">Админка </span><span id="counterAdmin"><?= ($counter['admin'] > 0 ? '<span class="counter">'.$counter['admin'] . '</span>' : '')?></span></a></li>
<? } ?>
<? } else { ?>
<li><a href="/?func=user.auth"><i class="ic-lock-open-filled"></i>Вход</a></li>
<li><a href="/?func=user.reg"><i class="ic-pencil"></i>Регистрация</a></li>
<? } ?>
<div class="header-title">
<div class="title-text"><?= $system['title']?></div>
if (isset($err)) {
if (is_array($err)) {
foreach ($err AS $_err) {
<div class="alert alert-error" style="margin: 2px;">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>
<?= $_err?>
} else {
<div class="alert alert-error" style="margin: 2px;">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>
<?= $err?>
if (isset($_SESSION['message']) && $_SESSION['message']) {
$messages = $_SESSION['message'];
$_SESSION['message'] = null;
if (isset($messages)) {
if (is_array($messages)) {
foreach ($messages AS $_messages) {
<div class="alert alert-success" style="margin: 2px;">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>
<?= $_messages?>
} else {
<div class="alert alert-success" style="margin: 2px;">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>
<?= $messages?>
if ($func == 'home') {
$ads_rekl = $sql -> select("SELECT * FROM `ads` WHERE `pays` = '1' AND `time_last` > '" . time() . "' AND `type` = 'goods' ORDER BY `time_pays` DESC LIMIT 5");
if (is_array($ads_rekl)) {
<div class="main_razd">
<div class="nav1">
foreach($ads_rekl AS $rekl) {
$goods = $sql -> fetch("SELECT * FROM `shop_goods` WHERE `id` = '$rekl[id_goods]'");
echo '<a href="/goods/' . $rekl['id_goods'] . '" style="' . ($rekl['color'] ? 'color: ' . $rekl['color'] . '; ' : '') .
($rekl['fonts'] == 1 ? 'font-weight: bold;' : '') . '"><i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i> ' . text($rekl['name']) . '</a> <span class="on">' . $goods['wmr'] . ' wmr</span><br />';
if ($system['title'] != null AND isset($user))
$url_title = esc($system['title']);
$url = esc($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if ($user['url_set'] == 0)
$url_title = 'Неизвестно';
$url = '/';
$sql -> update("UPDATE `users` SET `url_title` = '{$url_title}' , `url_city` = '{$url}' WHERE `id` = '{$user['id']}' LIMIT 1");