/// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> //
// available at https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3 //
// or https://www.getid3.org //
// or http://getid3.sourceforge.net //
// see readme.txt for more details //
// //
// write.metaflac.php //
// module for writing metaflac tags //
// dependencies: /helperapps/metaflac.exe //
// ///
class getid3_write_metaflac
* @var string
public $filename;
* @var array
public $tag_data;
* Any non-critical errors will be stored here.
* @var array
public $warnings = array();
* Any critical errors will be stored here.
* @var array
public $errors = array();
private $pictures = array();
public function __construct() {
* @return bool
public function WriteMetaFLAC() {
if (preg_match('#(1|ON)#i', ini_get('safe_mode'))) {
$this->errors[] = 'PHP running in Safe Mode (backtick operator not available) - cannot call metaflac, tags not written';
return false;
$tempfilenames = array();
if (!empty($this->tag_data['ATTACHED_PICTURE'])) {
foreach ($this->tag_data['ATTACHED_PICTURE'] as $key => $picturedetails) {
$temppicturefilename = tempnam(GETID3_TEMP_DIR, 'getID3');
$tempfilenames[] = $temppicturefilename;
if (getID3::is_writable($temppicturefilename) && is_file($temppicturefilename) && ($fpcomments = fopen($temppicturefilename, 'wb'))) {
// https://xiph.org/flac/documentation_tools_flac.html#flac_options_picture
fwrite($fpcomments, $picturedetails['data']);
$picture_typeid = (!empty($picturedetails['picturetypeid']) ? $this->ID3v2toFLACpictureTypes($picturedetails['picturetypeid']) : 3); // default to "3:Cover (front)"
$picture_mimetype = (!empty($picturedetails['mime']) ? $picturedetails['mime'] : ''); // should be auto-detected
$picture_width_height_depth = '';
$this->pictures[] = $picture_typeid.'|'.$picture_mimetype.'|'.preg_replace('#[^\x20-\x7B\x7D-\x7F]#', '', $picturedetails['description']).'|'.$picture_width_height_depth.'|'.$temppicturefilename;
} else {
$this->errors[] = 'failed to open temporary tags file, tags not written - fopen("'.$temppicturefilename.'", "wb")';
return false;
// Create file with new comments
$tempcommentsfilename = tempnam(GETID3_TEMP_DIR, 'getID3');
$tempfilenames[] = $tempcommentsfilename;
if (getID3::is_writable($tempcommentsfilename) && is_file($tempcommentsfilename) && ($fpcomments = fopen($tempcommentsfilename, 'wb'))) {
foreach ($this->tag_data as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $commentdata) {
fwrite($fpcomments, $this->CleanmetaflacName($key).'='.$commentdata."\n");
} else {
$this->errors[] = 'failed to open temporary tags file, tags not written - fopen("'.$tempcommentsfilename.'", "wb")';
return false;
$oldignoreuserabort = ignore_user_abort(true);
if (file_exists(GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR.'metaflac.exe')) {
//$commandline = '"'.GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR.'metaflac.exe" --no-utf8-convert --remove-all-tags --import-tags-from="'.$tempcommentsfilename.'" "'.str_replace('/', '\\', $this->filename).'"';
// metaflac works fine if you copy-paste the above commandline into a command prompt,
// but refuses to work with `backtick` if there are "doublequotes" present around BOTH
// the metaflac pathname and the target filename. For whatever reason...??
// The solution is simply ensure that the metaflac pathname has no spaces,
// and therefore does not need to be quoted
// On top of that, if error messages are not always captured properly under Windows
// To at least see if there was a problem, compare file modification timestamps before and after writing
$timestampbeforewriting = filemtime($this->filename);
$commandline = GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR.'metaflac.exe --no-utf8-convert --remove-all-tags --import-tags-from='.escapeshellarg($tempcommentsfilename);
foreach ($this->pictures as $picturecommand) {
$commandline .= ' --import-picture-from='.escapeshellarg($picturecommand);
$commandline .= ' '.escapeshellarg($this->filename).' 2>&1';
$metaflacError = `$commandline`;
if (empty($metaflacError)) {
if ($timestampbeforewriting == filemtime($this->filename)) {
$metaflacError = 'File modification timestamp has not changed - it looks like the tags were not written';
} else {
$metaflacError = 'metaflac.exe not found in '.GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR;
} else {
// It's simpler on *nix
$commandline = 'metaflac --no-utf8-convert --remove-all-tags --import-tags-from='.escapeshellarg($tempcommentsfilename);
foreach ($this->pictures as $picturecommand) {
$commandline .= ' --import-picture-from='.escapeshellarg($picturecommand);
$commandline .= ' '.escapeshellarg($this->filename).' 2>&1';
$metaflacError = `$commandline`;
// Remove temporary comments file
foreach ($tempfilenames as $tempfilename) {
if (!empty($metaflacError)) {
$this->errors[] = 'System call to metaflac failed with this message returned: '."\n\n".$metaflacError;
return false;
return true;
* @return bool
public function DeleteMetaFLAC() {
if (preg_match('#(1|ON)#i', ini_get('safe_mode'))) {
$this->errors[] = 'PHP running in Safe Mode (backtick operator not available) - cannot call metaflac, tags not deleted';
return false;
$oldignoreuserabort = ignore_user_abort(true);
if (file_exists(GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR.'metaflac.exe')) {
// To at least see if there was a problem, compare file modification timestamps before and after writing
$timestampbeforewriting = filemtime($this->filename);
$commandline = GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR.'metaflac.exe --remove-all-tags "'.$this->filename.'" 2>&1';
$metaflacError = `$commandline`;
if (empty($metaflacError)) {
if ($timestampbeforewriting == filemtime($this->filename)) {
$metaflacError = 'File modification timestamp has not changed - it looks like the tags were not deleted';
} else {
$metaflacError = 'metaflac.exe not found in '.GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR;
} else {
// It's simpler on *nix
$commandline = 'metaflac --remove-all-tags "'.$this->filename.'" 2>&1';
$metaflacError = `$commandline`;
if (!empty($metaflacError)) {
$this->errors[] = 'System call to metaflac failed with this message returned: '."\n\n".$metaflacError;
return false;
return true;
* @param int $id3v2_picture_typeid
* @return int
public function ID3v2toFLACpictureTypes($id3v2_picture_typeid) {
// METAFLAC picture type list is identical to ID3v2 picture type list (as least up to 0x14 "Publisher/Studio logotype")
// http://id3.org/id3v2.4.0-frames (section 4.14)
// https://xiph.org/flac/documentation_tools_flac.html#flac_options_picture
//return (isset($ID3v2toFLACpictureTypes[$id3v2_picture_typeid]) ? $ID3v2toFLACpictureTypes[$id3v2_picture_typeid] : 3); // default: "3: Cover (front)"
return (($id3v2_picture_typeid <= 0x14) ? $id3v2_picture_typeid : 3); // default: "3: Cover (front)"
* @param string $originalcommentname
* @return string
public function CleanmetaflacName($originalcommentname) {
// A case-insensitive field name that may consist of ASCII 0x20 through 0x7D, 0x3D ('=') excluded.
// ASCII 0x41 through 0x5A inclusive (A-Z) is to be considered equivalent to ASCII 0x61 through
// 0x7A inclusive (a-z).
// replace invalid chars with a space, return uppercase text
// Thanks Chris Bolt <chris-getid3Øbolt*cx> for improving this function
// note: *reg_replace() replaces nulls with empty string (not space)
return strtoupper(preg_replace('#[^ -<>-}]#', ' ', str_replace("\x00", ' ', $originalcommentname)));