<div class='panel-bottom-optimize'>
<?php if (!user('ID')){ ?>
<a href='/login/' class='panel-bottom-gs' id='aut'>
<span><?=icons('sign-in', 28)?></span>
<a href='/registration/' class='panel-bottom-aut'>
<span><?=icons('user-plus', 20)?></span>
<a href='/password/' class='panel-bottom-gs' id='password'>
<span><?=icons('unlock', 28)?></span>
$mess = db::get_column("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `MAIL_MESSAGE` WHERE `USER_ID` = ? AND `USER` = ? AND `READ` = '0'", [user('ID'), user('ID')]);
if ($mess > 99){
$c_mess = "<small class='count-mess'>99+</small>";
}elseif ($mess > 0){
$c_mess = "<small class='count-mess'>".$mess."</small>";
$c_mess = null;
$notif = db::get_column("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `NOTIFICATIONS` WHERE `USER_ID` = ? AND `READ` = '1'", [user('ID')]);
if ($notif > 99){
$c_notif = "<small class='count-mess'>99+</small>";
}elseif ($notif > 0){
$c_notif = "<small class='count-mess'>".$notif."</small>";
$c_notif = null;
$ta = db::get_column("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `TAPE` WHERE `USER_ID` = ? AND `READ` = '1'", [user('ID')]);
if ($ta > 99){
$c_ta = "<small class='count-mess'>99+</small>";
}elseif ($ta > 0){
$c_ta = "<small class='count-mess'>".$ta."</small>";
$c_ta = null;
<a href='/account/cabinet/' class='panel-bottom' id='cabinet'>
<span style='top: -6px;'><?=icons('th-large', 26)?></span>
<a href='/account/mail/' class='panel-bottom' id='mail'>
<o id='count_mail'><?=$c_mess?></o>
<span><?=icons('envelope', 25)?></span>
<a href='/account/journal/' class='panel-bottom' id='journal'>
<o id='count_notif'><?=$c_notif?></o>
<span><?=icons('bell', 25)?></span>
<a href='/account/tape/' class='panel-bottom' id='tape'>
<o id='count_tape'><?=$c_ta?></o>
<span><?=icons('feed', 26)?></span>
<a href='/id<?=user('ID')?>' class='panel-bottom' id='account'>
<span><?=icons('user-circle', 25)?></span>
<?php } ?>
<div class='panel-bottom-optimize2'></div>