require ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/system/connections/core.php');
if (ajax() == true && get('param') && get('rtype') && get('ptype') && get('link')){
$get = tabs(get('param'));
$ptype = esc(get('ptype'));
$type = esc(get('rtype'));
$link = tabs(get('link'));
$id = intval(get('id'));
$param = explode(',', $get);
if ($id == 0) {
$count = count($param) + db::get_column("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ATTACHMENTS` WHERE `USER_ID` = ? AND `ACT` = ? AND `TYPE_POST` = ?", [user('ID'), 0, $ptype]);
$count = count($param) + db::get_column("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ATTACHMENTS` WHERE `USER_ID` = ? AND `TYPE_POST` = ?", [user('ID'), $ptype]);
if ($count > 20){
$('#files-upload-error').html("<div class='modal_title'><?=lg('Ошибка')?></div><div class='modal-scroll'><div class='file-info'><?=icons('exclamation-triangle', 16)?> <?=lg('Нельзя прикреплять более 20 файлов к 1 сообщению')?></div></div><div class='modal_foot'><span onclick='modal_center_close()' class='button'><?=lg('Понятно, хорошо')?></span></div>");
attachments_show($ptype, $link, $id);
if ($type == 'photos'){
$_type = 'PHOTOS';
}elseif ($type == 'videos'){
$_type = 'VIDEOS';
}elseif ($type == 'music'){
$_type = 'MUSIC';
}elseif ($type == 'files'){
$_type = 'FILES';
if ($id == 0) {
foreach ($param as $file){
if (db::get_column("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ATTACHMENTS` WHERE `USER_ID` = ? AND `TYPE_POST` = ? AND `ACT` = ? AND `TYPE` = ? AND `OBJECT_ID` = ? AND `ID_POST` = ? LIMIT 1", [user('ID'), $ptype, 0, $type, intval($file), $id]) == 0 && db::get_column("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `".$_type."` WHERE `USER_ID` = ? AND `ID` = ? LIMIT 1", [user('ID'), intval($file)]) == 1){
db::get_add("INSERT INTO `ATTACHMENTS` (`USER_ID`, `TYPE_POST`, `TIME`, `TYPE`, `OBJECT_ID`, `ID_POST`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [user('ID'), $ptype, TM, $type, intval($file), 0]);
foreach ($param as $file){
if (db::get_column("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ATTACHMENTS` WHERE `TYPE_POST` = ? AND `TYPE` = ? AND `OBJECT_ID` = ? AND `ID_POST` = ? LIMIT 1", [$ptype, $type, intval($file), $id]) == 0 && db::get_column("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `".$_type."` WHERE `ID` = ? LIMIT 1", [intval($file)]) == 1){
db::get_add("INSERT INTO `ATTACHMENTS` (`USER_ID`, `TYPE_POST`, `TIME`, `TYPE`, `OBJECT_ID`, `ACT`, `ID_POST`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [user('ID'), $ptype, TM, $type, intval($file), 1, $id]);
attachments_show($ptype, $link, $id);
echo lg('Не удалось установить соединение');