Appointment: Процессор сайта
File: init.php
Author: f0rt1
Engine: Vii Engine
Copyright: NiceWeb Group (с) 2011
e-mail: niceweb@i.ua
URL: http://www.niceweb.in.ua/
ICQ: 427-825-959
Данный код защищен авторскими правами
die('Hacking attempt!');
@include ENGINE_DIR.'/data/config.php';
if(!$config['home_url']) die("Error!");//Vii Engine not installed. Please run install.php
include ENGINE_DIR.'/classes/mysql.php';
include ENGINE_DIR.'/data/db.php';
include ENGINE_DIR.'/classes/templates.php';
if($config['gzip'] == 'yes') include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/gzip.php';
function clean_url($url) {
if( $url == '' ) return;
$url = str_replace( "http://", "", strtolower( $url ) );
$url = str_replace( "https://", "", $url );
if( substr( $url, 0, 4 ) == 'www.' ) $url = substr( $url, 4 );
$url = explode( '/', $url );
$url = reset( $url );
$url = explode( ':', $url );
$url = reset( $url );
return $url;
$domain_cookie = explode (".", clean_url( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ));
$domain_cookie_count = count($domain_cookie);
$domain_allow_count = -2;
if($domain_cookie_count > 2){
if(in_array($domain_cookie[$domain_cookie_count-2], array('com', 'net', 'org') ))
$domain_allow_count = -3;
if($domain_cookie[$domain_cookie_count-1] == 'ua' )
$domain_allow_count = -3;
$domain_cookie = array_slice($domain_cookie, $domain_allow_count);
$domain_cookie = ".".implode(".", $domain_cookie);
define('DOMAIN', $domain_cookie);
function set_cookie($name, $value, $expires) {
if( $expires ) {
$expires = time() + ($expires * 86400);
} else {
$expires = FALSE;
if( PHP_VERSION < 5.2 ) {
setcookie($name, $value, $expires, "/", DOMAIN . "; HttpOnly");
} else {
setcookie($name, $value, $expires, "/", DOMAIN, NULL, TRUE);
//Смена языка
if($_GET['act'] == 'chage_lang'){
$langId = intval($_GET['id']);
$config['lang_list'] = nl2br($config['lang_list']);
$expLangList = explode('<br />', $config['lang_list']);
$numLangs = count($expLangList);
if($langId > 0 AND $langId <= $numLangs){
//Меняем язык
set_cookie("lang", $langId, 365);
$langReferer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
header("Location: {$langReferer}");
$config['lang_list'] = nl2br($config['lang_list']);
$expLangList = explode('<br />', $config['lang_list']);
$numLangs = count($expLangList);
$useLang = intval($_COOKIE['lang']);
if($useLang <= 0) $useLang = 1;
$cil = 0;
foreach($expLangList as $expLangData){
$expLangName = explode(' | ', $expLangData);
if($cil == $useLang AND $expLangName[0]){
$rMyLang = $expLangName[0];
$checkLang = $expLangName[1];
$rMyLang = 'Русский';
$checkLang = 'Russian';
include ROOT_DIR.'/lang/'.$checkLang.'/site.lng';
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/functions.php';
$tpl = new mozg_template;
$tpl->dir = ROOT_DIR.'/templates/'.$config['temp'];
define('TEMPLATE_DIR', $tpl->dir);
$_DOCUMENT_DATE = false;
$Timer = new microTimer();
$server_time = intval($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/login.php';
if($config['offline'] == "yes") include ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/offline.php';
if($user_info['user_delet'] or $user_info['user_delete_type']!=0) include ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/profile_delet.php';
$sql_banned = $db->super_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."_banned", true, "banned", true);
if(isset($sql_banned)) $blockip = check_ip($sql_banned); else $blockip = false;
if($user_info['user_ban_date'] >= $server_time OR $user_info['user_ban_date'] == '0' OR $blockip) include ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/profile_ban.php';
//Елси юзер залогинен то обновляем последнюю дату посещения в таблице друзей и на личной стр
//Начисления 1 убм.
if(!$user_info['user_lastupdate']) $user_info['user_lastupdate'] = 1;
if(date('Y-m-d', $user_info['user_lastupdate']) < date('Y-m-d', $server_time))
$sql_balance = ", user_balance = user_balance+1, user_lastupdate = '{$server_time}'";
//Определяем устройство
if($check_smartphone) $device_user = 1;
else $device_user = 0;
if(($user_info['user_last_visit'] + 60) <= $server_time){
$db->query("UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY `".PREFIX."_users` SET user_logged_mobile = '{$device_user}', user_last_visit = '{$server_time}' {$sql_balance} WHERE user_id = '{$user_info['user_id']}'");
//Настройки групп пользователей
$user_group = unserialize(serialize(array(
1 => array( #Администрация
'addnews' => '1',
2 => array( #Главный модератор
'addnews' => '0',
3 => array( #Модератор
'addnews' => '0',
4 => array( #Техподдержка
'addnews' => '0',
5 => array( #Пользователи
'addnews' => '0',
//Время онлайна
$online_time = $server_time - $config['online_time'];
include ENGINE_DIR.'/mod.php';