* Copyright 2014 Osclass
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Stats
class Stats
* @var type
private static $instance;
private $conn;
public static function newInstance()
if( !self::$instance instanceof self ) {
self::$instance = new self;
return self::$instance;
function __construct()
$conn = DBConnectionClass::newInstance();
$data = $conn->getOsclassDb();
$this->conn = new DBCommandClass($data);
public function new_users_count($from_date, $date = 'day')
if($date=='week') {
$this->conn->select('WEEK(dt_reg_date) as d_date, COUNT(pk_i_id) as num');
} else if($date=='month') {
$this->conn->select('MONTHNAME(dt_reg_date) as d_date, COUNT(pk_i_id) as num');
} else {
$this->conn->select('DATE(dt_reg_date) as d_date, COUNT(pk_i_id) as num');
$this->conn->where("dt_reg_date >= '$from_date'");
$this->conn->orderBy('dt_reg_date', 'DESC');
$result = $this->conn->get();
return $result->result();
public function users_by_country()
$this->conn->select('s_country, COUNT(pk_i_id) as num');
$result = $this->conn->get();
return $result->result();
public function users_by_region()
$this->conn->select('s_region, COUNT(pk_i_id) as num');
$result = $this->conn->get();
return $result->result();
public function items_by_user()
$result = $this->conn->query("SELECT AVG( num ) as avg FROM (SELECT COUNT( pk_i_id ) AS num FROM ".DB_TABLE_PREFIX."t_item GROUP BY s_contact_email ) AS dummy_table");
return $result->result();
public function latest_users()
$this->conn->orderBy('dt_reg_date', 'DESC');
$result = $this->conn->get();
return $result->result();
public function new_items_count($from_date, $date = 'day')
if($date=='week') {
$this->conn->select('WEEK(dt_pub_date) as d_date, COUNT(pk_i_id) as num');
} else if($date=='month') {
$this->conn->select('MONTHNAME(dt_pub_date) as d_date, COUNT(pk_i_id) as num');
} else {
$this->conn->select('DATE(dt_pub_date) as d_date, COUNT(pk_i_id) as num');
$this->conn->where("dt_pub_date >= '$from_date'");
$this->conn->orderBy('dt_pub_date', 'DESC');
$result = $this->conn->get();
if($result) {
return $result->result();
return array();
public function latest_items()
$this->conn->select('l.*, i.*, d.*');
$this->conn->from(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item i, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_location l, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_description d');
$this->conn->where('l.fk_i_item_id = i.pk_i_id AND d.fk_i_item_id = i.pk_i_id');
$this->conn->orderBy('dt_pub_date', 'DESC');
$result = $this->conn->get();
return $result->result();
public function new_comments_count($from_date, $date = 'day')
if($date=='week') {
$this->conn->select('WEEK(dt_pub_date) as d_date, COUNT(pk_i_id) as num');
} else if($date=='month') {
$this->conn->select('MONTH(dt_pub_date) as d_date, COUNT(pk_i_id) as num');
} else {
$this->conn->select('DAY(dt_pub_date) as d_date, COUNT(pk_i_id) as num');
$this->conn->where("dt_pub_date >= '$from_date'");
$this->conn->orderBy('dt_pub_date', 'DESC');
$result = $this->conn->get();
return $result->result();
public function latest_comments()
$this->conn->select('i.*, c.*');
$this->conn->from(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item i, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_comment c');
$this->conn->where('c.fk_i_item_id = i.pk_i_id');
$this->conn->orderBy('c.dt_pub_date', 'DESC');
$result = $this->conn->get();
return $result->result();
public function new_reports_count($from_date, $date = 'day')
if($date=='week') {
$this->conn->select('WEEK(dt_date) as d_date, SUM(i_num_views) as views, SUM(i_num_spam) as spam, SUM(i_num_repeated) as repeated, SUM(i_num_bad_classified) as bad_classified, SUM(i_num_offensive) as offensive, SUM(i_num_expired) as expired');
} else if($date=='month') {
$this->conn->select('MONTHNAME(dt_date) as d_date, SUM(i_num_views) as views, SUM(i_num_spam) as spam, SUM(i_num_repeated) as repeated, SUM(i_num_bad_classified) as bad_classified, SUM(i_num_offensive) as offensive, SUM(i_num_expired) as expired');
} else {
$this->conn->select('dt_date as d_date, SUM(i_num_views) as views, SUM(i_num_spam) as spam, SUM(i_num_repeated) as repeated, SUM(i_num_bad_classified) as bad_classified, SUM(i_num_offensive) as offensive, SUM(i_num_expired) as expired');
$this->conn->where("dt_date >= '$from_date'");
$result = $this->conn->get();
return $result->result();
public function new_alerts_count($from_date, $date = 'day')
if($date=='week') {
$this->conn->select('WEEK(dt_date) as d_date, COUNT(s_email) as num');
} else if($date=='month') {
$this->conn->select('MONTHNAME(dt_date) as d_date, COUNT(s_email) as num');
} else {
$this->conn->select('DATE(dt_date) as d_date, COUNT(s_email) as num');
$this->conn->where("dt_date >= '$from_date'");
$this->conn->where("dt_unsub_date IS NULL");
$this->conn->orderBy('dt_date', 'ASC');
$result = $this->conn->get();
return $result->result();
public function new_subscribers_count($from_date, $date = 'day')
if($date=='week') {
$this->conn->select('WEEK(dt_date) as d_date, COUNT(DISTINCT s_email) as num');
} else if($date=='month') {
$this->conn->select('MONTHNAME(dt_date) as d_date, COUNT(DISTINCT s_email) as num');
} else {
$this->conn->select('DATE(dt_date) as d_date, COUNT(DISTINCT s_email) as num');
$this->conn->where("dt_date >= '$from_date'");
$this->conn->where("dt_unsub_date IS NULL");
$this->conn->orderBy('dt_date', 'ASC');
$result = $this->conn->get();
return $result->result();