//global variables
//this is needed to temporarily disable doubles, e.g. for uncheckAll
var uncheckAll_doubles = false;
//this is now default and not changable anymore
var checkDisabled = true;
var checkboxesGroups_grayed = false;
var checkboxesGroups = false;
var clickedNode = {};
$(document).ready(function() {
var all_converter = $(".hummingbird-treeview-converter");
var converter_num = 1;
var converter_str = "";
if (converter_num > 1) {
converter_str = converter_num.toString();
var converter = $(this);
//hide simple treeview structure
var converter_height = converter.attr("data-height");
var converter_scroll = converter.attr("data-scroll");
if (converter_scroll == "true") {
converter_scroll = "scroll";
//create new treeview container
var tree_html = '<div id="treeview_container' + converter_str + '" class="hummingbird-treeview" style="height: ' + converter_height +'; overflow-y: ' + converter_scroll + ';">' +
'<ul id="treeview' + converter_str + '" class="hummingbird-base">';
//get treeview elements
var tree = converter.children("li");
//loop through the elements and create tree
var id_num = 0;
var id_str = "";
var data_id = "";
var item = "";
var allowed = true;
var msg = "";
$.each(tree, function(i,e) {
var treeText = $(this).text();
//Regular Expression for all leading hyphens
var regExp = /^-+/;
//Get leading hyphens
var numHyphenMatch = treeText.match(regExp);
var numHyphen_nextMatch = $(this).next().text().match(regExp);
//Get count of leading hyphens
//Now supports using hyphens anywhere except for the first character of the label
var numHyphen = (numHyphenMatch != null ? numHyphenMatch[0].length : 0);
var numHyphen_next = (numHyphen_nextMatch != null ? numHyphen_nextMatch[0].length : 0);
//remove leading hyphens
treeText = treeText.replace(regExp, "");
//extract optional id and data-id
if ($(this).attr("id")) {
id_str = $(this).attr("id");
} else {
id_str = "hum" + converter_str + "_" + id_num;
if ($(this).attr("data-id")) {
data_id = $(this).attr("data-id");
} else {
data_id = treeText;
//what is this, parent, children or sibling
//this is a parent
//open an ul
if (numHyphen < numHyphen_next) {
//check format
//down the tree it is not allowed to jump over a generation / instance
var check_diff = numHyphen_next - numHyphen;
if (check_diff>1) {
msg = '<h4 style="color:red;">Error!</h4>The item after <span style="color:red;">' + treeText + ' </span>has too much hyphens, i.e. it is too far intended. Note that down the tree, the items are only allowed to be intended by one instance, i.e. one hyphen more than the item before. In contrast, up the tree arbitrarily large jumps are allowed.';
allowed = false;
item = item + '<li data-id="' + numHyphen + '">' +"\n";
item = item + '<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>' + "\n";
item = item + '<label>' + "\n";
item = item + '<input id="' + id_str + '" data-id="' + data_id + '" type="checkbox" /> ' + treeText;
item = item + '</label>' + "\n";
item = item + '<ul>' + "\n";
if (numHyphen == numHyphen_next) {
item = item + '<li>' +"\n";
item = item + '<label>' + "\n";
item = item + '<input class="hummingbird-end-node" id="' + id_str + '" data-id="' + data_id + '" type="checkbox" /> ' + treeText;
item = item + '</label>' + "\n";
item = item + '</li>' + "\n";
//this is still a hummingbird-end-node
//after this it goes up
//thus close this ul
if (numHyphen > numHyphen_next) {
item = item + '<li>' +"\n";
item = item + '<label>' + "\n";
item = item + '<input class="hummingbird-end-node" id="' + id_str + '" data-id="' + data_id + '" type="checkbox" /> ' + treeText;
item = item + '</label>' + "\n";
item = item + '</li>' + "\n";
item = item + '</ul>' + "\n";
//if numHyphen - numHyphen_next > 1
//it means that we have to close the group
var hyphen_diff = numHyphen - numHyphen_next;
for (var m=2;m<=hyphen_diff;m++) {
item = item + '</ul>' + "\n";
item = item + '</li>' + "\n";
item = item + '</ul></div>';
tree_html = tree_html + item;
if (allowed == true) {
} else {
//end converter
$.fn.hummingbird = function(options){
var methodName = options;
var args = arguments;
var options = $.extend( {}, $.fn.hummingbird.defaults, options);
if (typeof(methodName) == "undefined" ) {
return this.each(function(){
//change symbol prefix
//font-awesome 4.7 uses fa
//font-awesome 5. uses fas
if (options.SymbolPrefix != "fa") {
//change symbols
if (options.collapsedSymbol != "fa-plus") {
if (options.hoverItems == true) {
//console.log("hoverItem on")
//get li
//var lis = $(this).find("input.hummingbird-end-node").parent("label").parent("li");
var this_labels = $(this).find("label");
if (options.hoverMode == "bootstrap"){
this_labels.hover(function() {
$( this ).addClass(options.hoverColorBootstrap);
}, function() {
$( this ).removeClass(options.hoverColorBootstrap);
if (options.hoverMode == "html"){
this_labels.hover(function() {
$( this ).css({'background-color':options.hoverColorBg1, 'color':options.hoverColorText1});
}, function() {
$( this ).css({'background-color':options.hoverColorBg2, 'color':options.hoverColorText2});
//hide checkboxes
if (options.checkboxes == "disabled") {
if (options.checkboxesGroups == "disabled") {
checkboxesGroups = true;
//find all checkboxes which have children and disable them
//tri-state logic will still be applied
var groups = $(this).find('input:checkbox:not(".hummingbird-end-node")');
if (options.checkboxesGroups == "disabled_grayed") {
checkboxesGroups_grayed = true;
//find all checkboxes which have children and disable them
//tri-state logic will still be applied
var groups = $(this).find('input:checkbox:not(".hummingbird-end-node")');
if (options.checkboxesEndNodes == "disabled") {
//disable all end-nodes
var end_nodes = $(this).find('input:checkbox.hummingbird-end-node');
if (options.collapseAll === false) {
//initialise doubles logic
var doubleMode = false;
var allVariables = new Object;
if (options.checkDoubles) {
$(this).find('input:checkbox.hummingbird-end-node').each(function() {
if (allVariables[$(this).attr("data-id")]) {
} else {
allVariables[$(this).attr("data-id")] = [$(this).attr("id")];
//three state logic
//expandSingle and check if options.singleGroupOpen is set
var tmp_tree=$(this);
$(this).on("click", 'li i.' + options.collapsedSymbol, function() {
if (options.singleGroupOpen >= 0){
//get level
var this_level = $(this).parent("li").attr("data-id");
var level = options.singleGroupOpen;
//only if a click was on this level
if (this_level == level){
//collapse all nodes on that level tree.find('input[' + attr + '=' + name + ']');
var all_nodes_on_level = tmp_tree.find('li[data-id=' + level + ']').children('label').children('input');
$.each(all_nodes_on_level, function(i,e){
tmp_tree.hummingbird("collapseNode",{attr:"id",name: $(this).attr('id'),collapseChildren:true});
$(this).on("click", 'li i.' + options.expandedSymbol, function() {
if (methodName == "checkAll") {
return this.each(function(){
if (methodName == "uncheckAll") {
return this.each(function(){
if (methodName == "disableNode") {
return this.each(function(){
var name = args[1].name;
var attr = args[1].attr;
var state = args[1].state;
if (typeof args[1].disableChildren !== 'undefined') {
var disableChildren = args[1].disableChildren;
} else {
var disableChildren = true;
if (methodName == "enableNode") {
return this.each(function(){
var name = args[1].name;
var attr = args[1].attr;
var state = args[1].state;
if (typeof args[1].enableChildren !== 'undefined') {
var enableChildren = args[1].enableChildren;
} else {
var enableChildren = true;
if (methodName == "checkNode") {
return this.each(function(){
var name = args[1].name;
var attr = args[1].attr;
var expandParents = args[1].expandParents;
if (expandParents == true) {
if (methodName == "uncheckNode") {
return this.each(function(){
var name = args[1].name;
var attr = args[1].attr;
var collapseChildren = args[1].collapseChildren;
if (collapseChildren == true) {
if (methodName == "setNodeColor") {
return this.each(function(){
var attr = args[1];
var ID = args[2];
var color = args[3];
if (methodName == "collapseAll") {
return this.each(function(){
if (methodName == "expandAll") {
return this.each(function(){
if (methodName == "expandNode") {
return this.each(function(){
var name = args[1].name;
var attr = args[1].attr;
var expandParents = args[1].expandParents;
if (methodName == "collapseNode") {
return this.each(function(){
var name = args[1].name;
var attr = args[1].attr;
var collapseChildren = args[1].collapseChildren;
if (methodName == "getChecked") {
return this.each(function(){
var list = args[1].list;
var onlyEndNodes = args[1].onlyEndNodes;
if (typeof args[1].onlyParents !== 'undefined') {
var onlyParents = args[1].onlyParents;
} else {
var onlyParents = true;
if (typeof args[1].fromThis !== 'undefined') {
var fromThis = args[1].fromThis;
} else {
var fromThis = false;
if (methodName == "getUnchecked") {
return this.each(function(){
var list = args[1].list;
var onlyEndNodes = args[1].onlyEndNodes;
if (typeof args[1].onlyParents !== 'undefined') {
var onlyParents = args[1].onlyParents;
} else {
var onlyParents = true;
if (typeof args[1].fromThis !== 'undefined') {
var fromThis = args[1].fromThis;
} else {
var fromThis = false;
if (methodName == "addNode") {
return this.each(function(){
var pos = args[1].pos; //before or after
var anchor_attr = args[1].anchor_attr; //the anchor node
var anchor_name = args[1].anchor_name; //the anchor node
var text = args[1].text;
var the_id = args[1].the_id;
var data_id = args[1].data_id;
if (typeof args[1].end_node !== 'undefined') {
var end_node = args[1].end_node;
} else {
var end_node = true;
if (typeof args[1].children !== 'undefined') {
var children = args[1].children;
} else {
var children = false;
if (methodName == "removeNode") {
return this.each(function(){
var name = args[1].name;
var attr = args[1].attr;
if (methodName == "filter") {
return this.each(function(){
var str = args[1].str;
if (typeof args[1].box_disable !== 'undefined') {
var box_disable = args[1].box_disable;
} else {
var box_disable = false;
if (typeof args[1].filterChildren !== 'undefined') {
var filterChildren = args[1].filterChildren;
} else {
var filterChildren = true;
if (typeof args[1].onlyEndNodes !== 'undefined') {
var onlyEndNodes = args[1].onlyEndNodes;
} else {
var onlyEndNodes = false;
if (typeof args[1].caseSensitive !== 'undefined') {
var caseSensitive = args[1].caseSensitive;
} else {
var caseSensitive = false;
if (methodName == "search") {
return this.each(function(){
var treeview_container = args[1].treeview_container;
var search_input = args[1].search_input;
var search_output = args[1].search_output;
var search_button = args[1].search_button;
if (typeof args[1].dialog !== 'undefined') {
var dialog = args[1].dialog;
} else {
var dialog = "";
if (typeof args[1].enter_key_1 !== 'undefined') {
var enter_key_1 = args[1].enter_key_1;
} else {
var enter_key_1 = true;
if (typeof args[1].enter_key_2 !== 'undefined') {
var enter_key_2 = args[1].enter_key_2;
} else {
var enter_key_2 = true;
if (typeof args[1].scrollOffset !== 'undefined') {
var scrollOffset = args[1].scrollOffset;
} else {
var scrollOffset = false;
if (typeof args[1].onlyEndNodes !== 'undefined') {
var onlyEndNodes = args[1].onlyEndNodes;
} else {
var onlyEndNodes = false;
if (typeof args[1].EnterKey !== 'undefined') {
var EnterKey = args[1].EnterKey;
} else {
var EnterKey = true;
//options defaults
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults = {
SymbolPrefix: "fa",
expandedSymbol: "fa-minus",
collapsedSymbol: "fa-plus",
collapseAll: true,
checkboxes: "enabled",
checkboxesGroups: "enabled",
checkboxesEndNodes: "enabled",
checkDoubles: false,
singleGroupOpen: -1,
hoverItems: false,
hoverMode: "html",
hoverColorBg1: "#6c757c",
hoverColorBg2: "white",
hoverColorText1: "white",
hoverColorText2: "black",
hoverColorBootstrap: "bg-secondary text-white",
//checkDisabled: false, //this is now not changeable and true always
//global vars
var nodeDisabled = false;
var nodeEnabled = false;
$.fn.hummingbird.checkAll = function(tree){
tree.children("li").children("div").children("label").children("input:checkbox").prop('indeterminate', false).prop('checked', false).trigger("click");
//tree.children("li").children("div").children("label").children("input:checkbox").prop('indeterminate', false).prop('checked', false).trigger("click");
$.fn.hummingbird.uncheckAll = function(tree){
//find disabled groups
var disabled_groups = tree.find('input:checkbox:disabled:not(.hummingbird-end-node)');
//enable these
disabled_groups.prop('disabled', false)
//disable checking for doubles temporarily
uncheckAll_doubles = true;
tree.children("li").children("div").children("label").children("input:checkbox").prop('indeterminate', false).prop('checked', true).trigger("click");
uncheckAll_doubles = false;
//disable disabled groups again
disabled_groups.prop('disabled', true)
$.fn.hummingbird.collapseAll = function(tree,collapsedSymbol,expandedSymbol){
tree.find('.' + expandedSymbol).removeClass(expandedSymbol).addClass(collapsedSymbol);
$.fn.hummingbird.expandAll = function(tree,collapsedSymbol,expandedSymbol){
tree.find('.' + collapsedSymbol).removeClass(collapsedSymbol).addClass(expandedSymbol);
$.fn.hummingbird.collapseSingle = function(node,collapsedSymbol,expandedSymbol){
$.fn.hummingbird.expandSingle = function(node,collapsedSymbol,expandedSymbol){
$.fn.hummingbird.expandNode = function(tree,attr,name,expandParents,collapsedSymbol,expandedSymbol){
var that_node = tree.find('input[' + attr + '=' + name + ']');
var that_ul = that_node.parent("label").siblings("ul");
//expand all parents and change symbol
if (expandParents === true) {
$.fn.hummingbird.collapseNode = function(tree,attr,name,collapseChildren,collapsedSymbol,expandedSymbol){
var that_node = tree.find('input[' + attr + '=' + name + ']');
var that_ul = that_node.parent("label").siblings("ul");
//collapse children and change symbol
if (collapseChildren === true) {
} else {
$.fn.hummingbird.checkNode = function(tree,attr,name){
if (attr == "text") {
name = name.trim();
var that_nodes = tree.find('input:checkbox:not(:checked)').prop("indeterminate",false).parent('label:contains(' + name + ')');
} else {
tree.find('input:checkbox:not(:checked)[' + attr + '=' + name + ']').prop("indeterminate",false).trigger("click");
$.fn.hummingbird.uncheckNode = function(tree,attr,name){
if (attr == "text") {
name = name.trim();
var that_nodes = tree.find('input:checkbox:checked').prop("indeterminate",false).parent('label:contains(' + name + ')');
} else {
tree.find('input:checkbox:checked[' + attr + '=' + name + ']').prop("indeterminate",false).trigger("click");
$.fn.hummingbird.removeNode = function(tree,attr,name){
if (attr == "text") {
name = name.trim();
tree.find('input:checkbox').parent('label:contains(' + name + ')').parent('li').remove();
} else {
tree.find('input:checkbox[' + attr + '=' + name + ']').parent("label").parent('li').remove();
$.fn.hummingbird.addNode = function(tree,pos,anchor_attr,anchor_name,text,the_id,data_id,end_node,children,collapsedSymbol){
//find the node
if (anchor_attr == "text") {
anchor_name = anchor_name.trim();
var that_node = tree.find('input:checkbox').parent('label:contains(' + anchor_name + ')').parent("li");
} else {
var that_node = tree.find('input:checkbox[' + anchor_attr + '=' + anchor_name + ']').parent("label").parent("li");
if (end_node) {
var Xclass = "hummingbird-end-node";
if (pos == "before") {
that_node.before('<li><label><input class="'+ Xclass +'" id="'+ the_id +'" data-id="'+ data_id +'" type="checkbox"> '+ text +'</label></li>')
if (pos == "after") {
that_node.after('<li><label><input class="'+ Xclass +'" id="'+ the_id +'" data-id="'+ data_id +'" type="checkbox"> '+ text +'</label></li>')
} else {
var Xclass = "";
//create subtree
var subtree = "";
$.each(children, function(i,e){
subtree = subtree + '<li><label><input class="'+ 'hummingbird-end-node' +'" id="'+ e.id +'" data-id="'+ e.data_id +'" type="checkbox"> '+ e.text +'</label></li>'
if (pos == "before") {
that_node.before('<li>'+"\n"+'<i class="fa '+ collapsedSymbol +'"></i>'+ "\n" +'<label>'+"\n"+'<input class="'+ Xclass +'" id="'+ the_id +'" data-id="'+ data_id +'" type="checkbox"> '+ text +'</label>'+ "\n" +'<ul>'+ "\n" + subtree +'</ul>'+"\n"+'</li>')
if (pos == "after") {
that_node.after('<li>'+"\n"+'<i class="fa '+ collapsedSymbol +'"></i>'+ "\n" +'<label>'+"\n"+'<input class="'+ Xclass +'" id="'+ the_id +'" data-id="'+ data_id +'" type="checkbox"> '+ text +'</label>'+ "\n" +'<ul>'+ "\n" + subtree +'</ul>'+"\n"+'</li>')
$.fn.hummingbird.filter = function(tree,str,box_disable,caseSensitive,onlyEndNodes,filterChildren){
if (onlyEndNodes) {
var entries = tree.find('input:checkbox.hummingbird-end-node');
} else {
var entries = tree.find('input:checkbox');
var modifier = 'i';
modifier = 'g';
var re = new RegExp(str, modifier);
$.each(entries, function(){
var entry = $(this).parent("label").text();
//if we have a match we add class to all parent li's
if (entry.match(re)) {
if (filterChildren == false) {
//now remove or disable all, which do not match
if (box_disable) {
} else {
$.fn.hummingbird.disableNode = function(tree,attr,name,state,disableChildren){
if (attr == "text") {
name = name.trim();
var that_nodes = tree.find('input:checkbox:not(:disabled)').parent('label:contains(' + name + ')');
var this_checkbox = that_nodes.children('input:checkbox');
} else {
var this_checkbox = tree.find('input:checkbox:not(:disabled)[' + attr + '=' + name + ']');
//for a disabled unchecked node, set node checked and then trigger a click to uncheck
//for a disabled checked node, set node unchecked and then trigger a click to check
this_checkbox.prop("checked",state === false);
nodeDisabled = true;
//disable this node and all children
if (disableChildren === true) {
} else {
$.fn.hummingbird.enableNode = function(tree,attr,name,state,enableChildren){
var this_checkbox = {};
if (attr == "text") {
name = name.trim();
var that_nodes = tree.find('input:checkbox:disabled').parent('label:contains(' + name + ')');
var this_checkbox = that_nodes.children('input:checkbox');
} else {
this_checkbox = tree.find('input:checkbox:disabled[' + attr + '=' + name + ']');
//a checkbox cannot be enabled if all children are disabled AND enableChildren is false
//get children checkboxes which are not disabled
var children_not_disabled_sum= this_checkbox.parent("label").next("ul").children("li").children("label").children("input:checkbox:not(:disabled)").length;
if (children_not_disabled_sum == 0 && enableChildren == false) {
//the state where a parent is enabled and all children are disabled must be forbidden
//for a disabled unchecked node, set node checked and then trigger a click to uncheck
//for a disabled checked node, set node unchecked and then trigger a click to check
//all parents enabled
//no action on parents
//all children enabled
if (enableChildren === true) {
this_checkbox.prop("checked",state === false);
nodeEnabled = true;
//--------------get all checked items------------------//
$.fn.hummingbird.getChecked = function(tree,list,onlyEndNodes,onlyParents,fromThis){
if (fromThis == true){
//identify group that has been clicked or if an end-node was clicked
if (clickedNode.hasClass('hummingbird-end-node')){
var activeGroup = clickedNode.parent('label').parent('li').parent('ul').parent('li');
} else {
var activeGroup = clickedNode.parent('label').parent('li');
} else {
var activeGroup = tree;
if (onlyEndNodes == true) {
activeGroup.find('input:checkbox.hummingbird-end-node:checked').each(function() {
} else {
if (onlyParents == true){
activeGroup.find('input:checkbox:checked:not(.hummingbird-end-node)').each(function() {
} else {
activeGroup.find('input:checkbox:checked').each(function() {
//--------------get all checked items------------------//
//--------------get all unchecked items------------------//
$.fn.hummingbird.getUnchecked = function(tree,list,onlyEndNodes,onlyParents){
if (onlyEndNodes == true) {
tree.find('input:checkbox.hummingbird-end-node:not(:checked)').each(function() {
} else {
if (onlyParents == true){
tree.find('input:checkbox:not(:checked):not(.hummingbird-end-node)').each(function() {
} else {
tree.find('input:checkbox:not(:checked)').each(function() {
//--------------get all unchecked items------------------//
$.fn.hummingbird.setNodeColor = function(tree,attr,ID,color){
tree.find('input:checkbox[' + attr + '=' + ID + ']').parent("li").css({'color':color});
$.fn.hummingbird.ThreeStateLogic = function(tree,doubleMode,allVariables,checkDoubles,checkDisabled) {
tree.find('input:checkbox').on('click', function(e) {
clickedNode = $(this);
//check / uncheck all checkboxes below that node, if they have children weather they are disabled or not
//do nothing with end-node-checkboxes which are disabled
//thus three state logic is applyed to groups although they are disabled and if they have children
//all not disabled
var nodes_below_not_disabled = $(this).parent("label").parent("div").parent("li").find("input:checkbox:not(:disabled)");
//all disabled without hummingbird-end-node
var nodes_below_disabled_groups = $(this).parent("label").parent("div").parent("li").find('input:checkbox:disabled:not(.hummingbird-end-node)');
//add them together
var nodes_below = nodes_below_not_disabled.add(nodes_below_disabled_groups);
//var nodes_below = ;
var ids = [];
if ($(this).prop("checked")) {
var state = true;
var checkSiblings = "input:checkbox:not(:checked)";
//fire event
} else {
var state = false;
var checkSiblings = "input:checkbox:checked";
//fire event
//check / uncheck all checkboxes below that node
//set all parents indeterminate and unchecked
//if checkDisabled===false treat all disabled as if they were not there
//do it for all if checkDisabled===true
//if checkDisabled===false do it if it was not a disabled node, i.e. nodeDisabled===false
//if (checkDisabled || nodeDisabled === false) {
//travel down the dom through all ul's, but not the ul directly under that, because that will be changed
//check if children are disabled
//var not_disabled_sum_children = $(this).parent("label").next("ul").children("li").children("label").children("input:checkbox:not(:disabled)").length;
var disabled_sum_children = $(this).children("li").children("label").children("input:checkbox:disabled").length;
//console.log("disabled_sum_children= " + disabled_sum_children)
//if a check has happened count how many are checked
//if an uncheck has happened count how many are unchecked
//var checked_unchecked_sum_children = $(this).parent("label").next("ul").children("li").children("label").children(checkSiblings).length;
//a check has happened
var checked_sum_children = $(this).children("li").children("label").children("input:checkbox:checked").length;
var unchecked_sum_children = $(this).children("li").children("label").children("input:checkbox:not(:checked)").length;
//console.log("checked_sum_children= " + checked_sum_children)
//console.log("unchecked_sum_children= " + unchecked_sum_children)
//if all children disabled set appropriate state of this checkbox
//This happens e.g. if all children of this box are disabled and checked, so this box is actually also checked and disabled, but because it is
//not an end-node it can be checked, unchecked. Now a parent of this has been unchecked, thus this box is also unchecked, although all children are checked
//thus the appropriate state has to be set again
//there are children disabled:
//if a check happened, all children are checked
//if an uncheck happened all children are unchecked
if (disabled_sum_children > 0) {
if (checked_sum_children == 0) {
if (unchecked_sum_children == 0) {
if (checked_sum_children > 0 && unchecked_sum_children > 0) {
//travel up the DOM
//test if siblings are all checked / unchecked / indeterminate
//check / uncheck parents if all siblings are checked /unchecked
//thus, set parents checked / unchecked, if children are all checked or all unchecked with no indeterminates
//do this for all
//if (checkDisabled) {
$(this).parent("label").parents("li").map(function() {
var indeterminate_sum = 0;
//number of checked if an uncheck happened or number of unchecked if a check happened
var checked_unchecked_sum = $(this).siblings().addBack().children("label").children(checkSiblings).length;
//check how many not disabled are here (below that parent)
if (checkDisabled) {
var not_disabled_sum = $(this).siblings().addBack().children("label").children("input:checkbox:not(:disabled)").length;
//console.log("not_disabled_sum= " + not_disabled_sum)
//console.log("checkDisabled= " + checkDisabled)
//checkDisabled means that disabled boxes are considered by the tri-state logic
//these are the not disabled siblings together with node itself
//var not_disabled_sum = $(this).siblings().addBack().children("label").children("input:checkbox:not(:disabled)").length;
//console.log("not_disabled_sum= " + not_disabled_sum);
$(this).siblings().addBack().children("label").children("input:checkbox").map(function() {
indeterminate_sum = indeterminate_sum + $(this).prop("indeterminate");
//this is 0 if there are no checked, thus an uncheck has happened
if ((indeterminate_sum + checked_unchecked_sum) == 0) {
//if this click was together width a disableNode then, there is one more disabled child, thus not_disabled_sum--
if (checkDisabled) {
if (nodeDisabled == true) {
//if all children are disabled, disable also parent
if (not_disabled_sum == 0) {
//only disable parents if they are not already disabled by the checkboxesGroups options
if (checkboxesGroups_grayed == false && checkboxesGroups == false) {
//------------------check if this variable has doubles-----------------------//
//------------------and click doubles if needed------------------------------//
//------------------only if this is not a double check-----------------------//
if (checkDoubles == true && uncheckAll_doubles == false) {
if (doubleMode == false) {
//do this for all checked / unchecked checkboxes below that node
$(this).parent("label").parent("li").find("input.hummingbird-end-node[type='checkbox']").each(function() {
//check if this node has doubles
var L = allVariables[$(this).attr("data-id")].length;
if ( L > 1) {
doubleMode = true;
//if state of these checkboxes is not similar to state
//-> trigger click
var Zvar = allVariables[$(this).attr("data-id")];
for (var i=0;i<L;i++) {
if ($("#" + Zvar[i] ).prop("checked") != state) {
$("#" + Zvar[i] ).trigger("click");
doubleMode = false;
//------------------check if this variable has doubles------------------------//
//check if this box has hummingbird-end-node children
if (checkDisabled) {
if ($(this).hasClass("hummingbird-end-node") === false) {
//if this box has been checked, check if "not checked disabled" exist
if (state === true) {
var disabledCheckboxes = $(this).parent("label").parent("li").find("input:checkbox:not(:checked):disabled");
var num_state_inverse_Checkboxes = $(this).parent("label").parent("li").find("input:checkbox:checked");
//if this box has been unchecked, check if "checked disabled" exist
if (state === false) {
var disabledCheckboxes = $(this).parent("label").parent("li").find("input:checkbox:checked:disabled");
var num_state_inverse_Checkboxes = $(this).parent("label").parent("li").find("input:checkbox:not(:checked)");
//if this box has been checked and unchecked disabled exist
//set this and all parents indeterminate and checked false. Setting checked false is important to make this box ready for a check
//not if all checked or unchecked
if (disabledCheckboxes.length > 0 && num_state_inverse_Checkboxes.length > 0) {
//only if the boxes are enabled
//set nodeDisabled and nodeEnabled back to false
//so that the next clicked node can be a normal node or again a disbaled node
nodeDisabled = false;
nodeEnabled = false;
//fire event
$.fn.hummingbird.search = function(tree,treeview_container,search_input,search_output,search_button,dialog,enter_key_1,enter_key_2,collapsedSymbol,expandedSymbol,scrollOffset,onlyEndNodes,EnterKey) {
//trigger search on enter key
if (EnterKey == true) {
$(document).keyup(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
//console.log("current_page= " + enter_key_2)
if (enter_key_1 == enter_key_2) {
$(dialog + " #" + search_button).trigger("click");
var first_search = true;
var this_var_checkbox = {};
//hide dropdown search list
$(dialog + " #" + search_input).on("click", function(e) {
$(dialog + " #" + search_output).hide();
$(dialog + " #" + search_button).on("click", function(e) {
//show dropdown search list
$(dialog + " #" + search_output).show();
var search_str = $(dialog + " #" + search_input).val().trim();
//empty dropdown
$(dialog + " #" + search_output).empty();
//loop through treeview
var num_search_results = 0;
if (onlyEndNodes == true) {
var onlyEndNodes_Class = ".hummingbird-end-node";
} else {
var onlyEndNodes_Class = "";
tree.find('input:checkbox' + onlyEndNodes_Class).each(function() {
if ($(this).parent().text().toUpperCase().includes(search_str.toUpperCase())) {
//add items to dropdown
$(dialog + " #" + search_output).append('<li id="drop_' + $(this).attr("id") + '"><a href="#">' + $(this).parent().text() + '</a></li>');
if (num_search_results == 0) {
$(dialog + " #" + search_output).append(" Nothing found");
//click on search dropdown
$(dialog + " #" + search_output + " li").on("click", function(e) {
//no focus on the input field to trigger the search scrolling
//hide dropdown
$(dialog + " #" + search_output).hide();
//set value of input field
$(dialog + " #" + search_input).val($(this).text());
//reset color of last selection
if (first_search == false) {
if (this_var_checkbox.prop("disabled")) {
} else {
//before jumping to the hummingbird-end-node a collapse all is needed
//get this checkbox
this_var_checkbox = tree.find('input[id="' + $(this).attr("id").substring(5) + '"]');
//parent uls
var prev_uls = this_var_checkbox.parents("ul");
//change plus to minus
//highlight hummingbird-end-node
first_search = false;
//expand parent uls
//set scroll position to zero
if (treeview_container == "body") {
document.body.scrollTop = 0;
document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;
} else {
$(dialog + " #" + treeview_container)[0].scrollTop = 0;
//get position and offset of element
var this_var_checkbox_position = this_var_checkbox.position().top;
this_var_checkbox_position = this_var_checkbox_position+scrollOffset;
if (treeview_container == "body") {
document.body.scrollTop += this_var_checkbox_position;
document.documentElement.scrollTop += this_var_checkbox_position;
} else {
$(dialog + " #" + treeview_container)[0].scrollTop = this_var_checkbox_position;
//if there is only one search result -> go to this without showing the dropdown
if (num_search_results == 1) {
var one_search_id = $("#" + search_output + " li").attr("id");
$("#" + one_search_id).trigger("click");