* @desc jQuery plugin to sort html list also the tree structures
* @author Vladimír Čamaj
* @license MIT
( function( $ )
* @desc jQuery plugin
* @param options
* @returns this to unsure chaining
$.fn.sortableLists = function( options )
// Local variables. This scope is available for all the functions in this closure.
var jQBody = $( 'body' ).css( 'position', 'relative' ),
defaults = {
currElClass: '',
placeholderClass: '',
placeholderCss: {
'position': 'relative',
'padding': 0
hintClass: '',
hintCss: {
'display': 'none',
'position': 'relative',
'padding': 0
hintWrapperClass: '',
hintWrapperCss: { /* Description is below the defaults in this var section */ },
baseClass: '',
baseCss: {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 0 - parseInt( jQBody.css( 'margin-top' ) ),
'left': 0 - parseInt( jQBody.css( 'margin-left' ) ),
'margin': 0,
'padding': 0,
'z-index': 2500
opener: {
active: false,
open: '',
close: '',
openerCss: {
'float': 'left',
'display': 'inline-block',
'background-position': 'center center',
'background-repeat': 'no-repeat'
openerClass: ''
maxLevels: false,
listSelector: 'ul',
listsClass: '', // Used for hintWrapper and baseElement
listsCss: {},
insertZone: 50,
insertZonePlus: false,
scroll: 20,
ignoreClass: '',
isAllowed: function( cEl, hint, target ) { return true; }, // Params: current el., hint el.
onDragStart: function( e, cEl ) { return true; }, // Params: e jQ. event obj., current el.
onChange: function( cEl ) { return true; }, // Params: current el.
complete: function( cEl ) { return true; } // Params: current el.
setting = $.extend( true, {}, defaults, options ),
// base element from which is counted position of draged element
base = $( '<' + setting.listSelector + ' />' )
.prependTo( jQBody )
.attr( 'id', 'sortableListsBase' )
.css( setting.baseCss )
.addClass( setting.listsClass + ' ' + setting.baseClass ),
// placeholder != state.placeholderNode
// placeholder is document fragment and state.placeholderNode is document node
placeholder = $( '<li />' )
.attr( 'id', 'sortableListsPlaceholder' )
.css( setting.placeholderCss )
.addClass( setting.placeholderClass ),
// hint is document fragment
hint = $( '<li />' )
.attr( 'id', 'sortableListsHint' )
.css( setting.hintCss )
.addClass( setting.hintClass ),
// Is document fragment used as wrapper if hint is inserted to the empty li
hintWrapper = $( '<' + setting.listSelector + ' />' )
.attr( 'id', 'sortableListsHintWrapper' )
.addClass( setting.listsClass + ' ' + setting.hintWrapperClass )
.css( setting.listsCss )
.css( setting.hintWrapperCss ),
// Is +/- ikon to open/close nested lists
opener = $( '<span />' )
.addClass( 'sortableListsOpener ' + setting.opener.openerClass )
.css( setting.opener.openerCss )
.on( 'mousedown', function( e )
var li = $( this ).closest( 'li' );
if ( li.hasClass( 'sortableListsClosed' ) )
open( li );
close( li );
return false; // Prevent default
} );
if ( setting.opener.as == 'class' )
opener.addClass( setting.opener.close );
else if ( setting.opener.as == 'html' )
opener.html( setting.opener.close );
opener.css( 'background-image', 'url(' + setting.opener.close + ')' );
// Container with all actual elements and parameters
var state = {
isDragged: false,
isRelEFP: null, // How browser counts elementFromPoint() position (relative to window/document)
oEl: null, // overElement is element which returns elementFromPoint() method
rootEl: {
el: $( this ),
offset: null,
rootElClass: $( this ).attr( 'class' )
cEl: null, // currentElement is currently dragged element
placeholderParentLi: null,
upScroll: false,
downScroll: false,
pX: 0,
pY: 0,
cX: 0,
cY: 0,
isAllowed: true, // The function is defined in setting
e: { pageX: 0, pageY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0 }, // TODO: unused??
doc: $( document ),
win: $( window )
if ( setting.opener.active )
if ( ! setting.opener.open ) throw 'Opener.open value is not defined. It should be valid url, html or css class.';
if ( ! setting.opener.close ) throw 'Opener.close value is not defined. It should be valid url, html or css class.';
$( this ).find( 'li' ).each( function()
var li = $( this );
if ( li.children( setting.listSelector ).length )
opener.clone( true ).prependTo( li.children( 'div' ).first() );
if ( ! li.hasClass( 'sortableListsOpen' ) )
close( li );
open( li );
} );
if( setting.maxLevels !== false )
if( isNaN( setting.maxLevels ) ) throw 'JQuery-sortable-lists maxLevels values is not a number';
$( this ).find( 'li' ).each( function()
var insideLevs = getInsideLevels( $(this) );
var upperLevs = getUpperLevels( $(this) );
setInsideLevels( $(this), insideLevs );
setUpperLevels( $(this), upperLevs );
// Return this ensures chaining
return this.on( 'mousedown', function( e )
var target = $( e.target );
if ( state.isDragged !== false || ( setting.ignoreClass && target.hasClass( setting.ignoreClass ) ) ) {
return true;
// Solves selection/range highlighting
// El must be li in jQuery object
var el = target.closest( 'li' ),
rEl = $( this );
// Check if el is not empty
if ( el[ 0 ] )
setting.onDragStart( e, el );
startDrag( e, el, rEl );
* @desc Binds events dragging and endDrag, sets some init. values
* @param e event obj.
* @param el curr. dragged element
* @param rEl root element
function startDrag( e, el, rEl )
state.isDragged = true;
var elMT = parseInt( el.css( 'margin-top' ) ), // parseInt is necesary cause value has px at the end
elMB = parseInt( el.css( 'margin-bottom' ) ),
elML = parseInt( el.css( 'margin-left' ) ),
elMR = parseInt( el.css( 'margin-right' ) ),
elXY = el.offset(),
elIH = el.innerHeight();
state.rootEl = {
el: rEl,
offset: rEl.offset(),
rootElClass: rEl.attr( 'class' )
state.cEl = {
el: el,
mT: elMT, mL: elML, mB: elMB, mR: elMR,
offset: elXY
state.cEl.xyOffsetDiff = { X: e.pageX - state.cEl.offset.left, Y: e.pageY - state.cEl.offset.top };
state.cEl.el.addClass( 'sortableListsCurrent' + ' ' + setting.currElClass );
el.before( placeholder ); // Now document has node placeholder
var placeholderNode = state.placeholderNode = $( '#sortableListsPlaceholder' ); // jQuery object && document node
el.css( {
'width': el.width(),
'position': 'absolute',
'top': elXY.top - elMT,
'left': elXY.left - elML
} ).prependTo( base );
placeholderNode.css( {
'display': 'block',
'height': elIH
} );
hint.css( 'height', elIH );
.on( 'mousemove', dragging )
.on( 'mouseup', endDrag );
* @desc Start dragging
* @param e event obj.
function dragging( e )
if ( state.isDragged )
var cEl = state.cEl,
doc = state.doc,
win = state.win;
// event triggered by trigger() from setInterval does not have XY properties
if ( ! e.pageX )
setEventPos( e );
// Scrolling up
if ( doc.scrollTop() > state.rootEl.offset.top - 10 && e.clientY < 50 )
if ( ! state.upScroll ) // Has to be here after cond. e.clientY < 50 cause else unsets the interval
setScrollUp( e );
e.pageY = e.pageY - setting.scroll;
$( 'html, body' ).each( function( i )
$( this ).scrollTop( $( this ).scrollTop() - setting.scroll );
} );
setCursorPos( e );
// Scrolling down
else if ( doc.scrollTop() + win.height() < state.rootEl.offset.top + state.rootEl.el.outerHeight( false ) + 10 && win.height() - e.clientY < 50 )
if ( ! state.downScroll )
setScrollDown( e );
e.pageY = e.pageY + setting.scroll;
$( 'html, body' ).each( function( i )
$( this ).scrollTop( $( this ).scrollTop() + setting.scroll );
} );
setCursorPos( e );
scrollStop( state );
// Script needs to know old oEl
state.oElOld = state.oEl;
cEl.el[ 0 ].style.visibility = 'hidden'; // This is important for the next row
state.oEl = oEl = elFromPoint( e.pageX, e.pageY );
cEl.el[ 0 ].style.visibility = 'visible';
showHint( e, state );
setCElPos( e, state );
* @desc endDrag unbinds events mousemove/mouseup and removes redundant elements
* @param e
function endDrag( e )
var cEl = state.cEl,
hintNode = $( '#sortableListsHint', state.rootEl.el ),
hintStyle = hint[ 0 ].style,
targetEl = null, // hintNode/placeholderNode
isHintTarget = false, // if cEl will be placed to the hintNode
hintWrapperNode = $( '#sortableListsHintWrapper' );
if ( hintStyle.display == 'block' && hintNode.length && state.isAllowed )
targetEl = hintNode;
isHintTarget = true;
targetEl = state.placeholderNode;
isHintTarget = false;
offset = targetEl.offset();
cEl.el.animate( { left: offset.left - state.cEl.mL, top: offset.top - state.cEl.mT }, 250,
function() // complete callback
tidyCurrEl( cEl );
targetEl.after( cEl.el[ 0 ] );
targetEl[ 0 ].style.display = 'none';
hintStyle.display = 'none';
// This have to be document node, not hint as a part of documentFragment.
.removeAttr( 'id' )
.removeClass( setting.hintWrapperClass );
if ( hintWrapperNode.length )
hintWrapperNode.prev( 'div' ).append( opener.clone( true ) );
// Directly removed placeholder looks bad. It jumps up if the hint is below.
if ( isHintTarget )
state.placeholderNode.slideUp( 150, function()
setting.onChange( cEl.el );
setting.complete( cEl.el ); // Have to be here cause is necessary to remove placeholder before complete call.
state.isDragged = false;
if( setting.maxLevels !== false ) // Has to be after placeholder remove.
recountLevels( cEl.el );
if( state.placeholderParentLi ) recountLevels( state.placeholderParentLi );
} );
setting.complete( cEl.el );
state.isDragged = false;
} );
scrollStop( state );
.unbind( "mousemove", dragging )
.unbind( "mouseup", endDrag );
//////// Scroll handlers /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* @desc Ensures autoscroll up.
* @param e
* @return No value
function setScrollUp( e )
if ( state.upScroll ) return;
state.upScroll = setInterval( function()
state.doc.trigger( 'mousemove' );
}, 50 );
* @desc Ensures autoscroll down.
* @param e
* @return No value
function setScrollDown( e )
if ( state.downScroll ) return;
state.downScroll = setInterval( function()
state.doc.trigger( 'mousemove' );
}, 50 );
* @desc This properties are used when setScrollUp()/Down() calls trigger('mousemove'), cause trigger() produce event object without pageY/Y and clientX/Y.
* @param e
* @return No value
function setCursorPos( e )
state.pY = e.pageY;
state.pX = e.pageX;
state.cY = e.clientY;
state.cX = e.clientX;
* @desc Necessary while scrolling, cause trigger('mousemove') does not set cursor XY values in event object
* @param e
* @return No value
function setEventPos( e )
e.pageY = state.pY;
e.pageX = state.pX;
e.clientY = state.cY;
e.clientX = state.cX;
* @desc Stops scrolling and sets variables
* @param state
* @return No value
function scrollStop( state )
clearInterval( state.upScroll );
clearInterval( state.downScroll );
// clearInterval have to be before upScroll/downScroll is set to false
state.upScroll = state.downScroll = false;
/////// End of Scroll handlers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* @desc Sets the position of dragged element
* @param e event object
* @param state state object
* @return No value
function setCElPos( e, state )
var cEl = state.cEl;
cEl.el.css( {
'top': e.pageY - cEl.xyOffsetDiff.Y - cEl.mT,
'left': e.pageX - cEl.xyOffsetDiff.X - cEl.mL
} )
* @desc Return elementFromPoint() result as jQuery object
* @param x e.pageX
* @param y e.pageY
* @return null|jQuery object
function elFromPoint( x, y )
if ( ! document.elementFromPoint ) return null;
// FF/IE/CH needs coordinates relative to the window, unlike
// Opera/Safari which needs absolute coordinates of document in elementFromPoint()
var isRelEFP = state.isRelEFP;
// isRelative === null means it is not checked yet
if ( isRelEFP === null )
var s, res;
if ( (s = state.doc.scrollTop()) > 0 )
isRelEFP = ( (res = document.elementFromPoint( 0, s + $( window ).height() - 1 ) ) == null
|| res.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'HTML'); // IE8 returns html
if ( (s = state.doc.scrollLeft()) > 0 )
isRelEFP = ( (res = document.elementFromPoint( s + $( window ).width() - 1, 0 ) ) == null
|| res.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'HTML'); // IE8 returns html
if ( isRelEFP )
x -= state.doc.scrollLeft();
y -= state.doc.scrollTop();
// Returns jQuery object
var el = $( document.elementFromPoint( x, y ) );
if ( ! state.rootEl.el.find( el ).length ) // el is outside the rootEl
return null;
else if ( el.is( '#sortableListsPlaceholder' ) || el.is( '#sortableListsHint' ) ) // el is #placeholder/#hint
return null;
else if ( ! el.is( 'li' ) ) // el is ul or div or something else in li elem.
el = el.closest( 'li' );
return el[ 0 ] ? el : null;
else if ( el.is( 'li' ) ) // el is most wanted li
return el;
//////// Show hint handlers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* @desc Shows or hides or does not show hint element
* @param e event
* @param state
* @return No value
function showHint( e, state )
var oEl = state.oEl;
// If oEl is null or if this is the first call in dragging
if ( ! oEl || ! state.oElOld ) return;
var oElH = oEl.outerHeight( false ),
relY = e.pageY - oEl.offset().top;
if ( setting.insertZonePlus )
if ( 14 > relY ) // Inserting on top
showOnTopPlus( e, oEl, 7 > relY ); // Last bool param express if hint insert outside/inside
else if ( oElH - 14 < relY ) // Inserting on bottom
showOnBottomPlus( e, oEl, oElH - 7 < relY );
if ( 5 > relY ) // Inserting on top
showOnTop( e, oEl );
else if ( oElH - 5 < relY ) // Inserting on bottom
showOnBottom( e, oEl );
* @desc Called from showHint method. Displays or hides hint element
* @param e event
* @param oEl oElement
* @return No value
function showOnTop( e, oEl )
if ( $( '#sortableListsHintWrapper', state.rootEl.el ).length )
hint.unwrap(); // If hint is wrapped by ul/ol #sortableListsHintWrapper
// Hint outside the oEl
if ( e.pageX - oEl.offset().left < setting.insertZone )
// Ensure display:none if hint will be next to the placeholder
if ( oEl.prev( '#sortableListsPlaceholder' ).length || (setting.maxLevels !== false && ! checkMaxLevels( false )) )
hint.css( 'display', 'none' );
oEl.before( hint );
// Hint inside the oEl
var children = oEl.children(),
list = oEl.children( setting.listSelector ).first();
if ( list.children().first().is( '#sortableListsPlaceholder' ) || (setting.maxLevels !== false && ! checkMaxLevels( true )) )
hint.css( 'display', 'none' );
// Find out if is necessary to wrap hint by hintWrapper
if ( ! list.length )
children.first().after( hint );
hint.wrap( hintWrapper );
list.prepend( hint );
if ( state.oEl )
open( oEl ); // TODO:animation??? .children('ul,ol').css('display', 'block');
hint.css( 'display', 'block' );
// Ensures posible formating of elements. Second call is in the endDrag method.
state.isAllowed = setting.isAllowed( state.cEl.el, hint, hint.parents( 'li' ).first() );
* @desc Called from showHint method. Displays or hides hint element
* @param e event
* @param oEl oElement
* @param outside bool
* @return No value
function showOnTopPlus( e, oEl, outside )
if ( $( '#sortableListsHintWrapper', state.rootEl.el ).length )
hint.unwrap(); // If hint is wrapped by ul/ol #sortableListsHintWrapper
// Hint inside the oEl
if ( ! outside && e.pageX - oEl.offset().left > setting.insertZone )
var children = oEl.children(),
list = oEl.children( setting.listSelector ).first();
if ( list.children().first().is( '#sortableListsPlaceholder' ) || (setting.maxLevels !== false && ! checkMaxLevels( true )) )
hint.css( 'display', 'none' );
// Find out if is necessary to wrap hint by hintWrapper
if ( ! list.length )
children.first().after( hint );
hint.wrap( hintWrapper );
list.prepend( hint );
if ( state.oEl )
open( oEl ); // TODO:animation??? .children('ul,ol').css('display', 'block');
// Hint outside the oEl
// Ensure display:none if hint will be next to the placeholder
if ( oEl.prev( '#sortableListsPlaceholder' ).length || (setting.maxLevels !== false && ! checkMaxLevels( false )) )
hint.css( 'display', 'none' );
oEl.before( hint );
hint.css( 'display', 'block' );
// Ensures posible formating of elements. Second call is in the endDrag method.
state.isAllowed = setting.isAllowed( state.cEl.el, hint, hint.parents( 'li' ).first() );
* @desc Called from showHint function. Displays or hides hint element.
* @param e event
* @param oEl oElement
* @return No value
function showOnBottom( e, oEl )
if ( $( '#sortableListsHintWrapper', state.rootEl.el ).length )
hint.unwrap(); // If hint is wrapped by ul/ol sortableListsHintWrapper
// Hint outside the oEl
if ( e.pageX - oEl.offset().left < setting.insertZone )
// Ensure display:none if hint will be next to the placeholder
if ( oEl.next( '#sortableListsPlaceholder' ).length || (setting.maxLevels !== false && ! checkMaxLevels( false )) )
hint.css( 'display', 'none' );
oEl.after( hint );
// Hint inside the oEl
var children = oEl.children(),
list = oEl.children( setting.listSelector ).last(); // ul/ol || empty jQuery obj
if ( list.children().last().is( '#sortableListsPlaceholder' ) || (setting.maxLevels !== false && ! checkMaxLevels( true )) )
hint.css( 'display', 'none' );
// Find out if is necessary to wrap hint by hintWrapper
if ( list.length )
children.last().append( hint );
oEl.append( hint );
hint.wrap( hintWrapper );
if ( state.oEl )
open( oEl ); // TODO: animation???
hint.css( 'display', 'block' );
// Ensures posible formating of elements. Second call is in the endDrag method.
state.isAllowed = setting.isAllowed( state.cEl.el, hint, hint.parents( 'li' ).first() );
* @desc Called from showHint function. Displays or hides hint element.
* @param e event
* @param oEl oElement
* @param outside bool
* @return No value
function showOnBottomPlus( e, oEl, outside )
if ( $( '#sortableListsHintWrapper', state.rootEl.el ).length )
hint.unwrap(); // If hint is wrapped by ul/ol sortableListsHintWrapper
// Hint inside the oEl
if ( ! outside && e.pageX - oEl.offset().left > setting.insertZone )
var children = oEl.children(),
list = oEl.children( setting.listSelector ).last(); // ul/ol || empty jQuery obj
if ( list.children().last().is( '#sortableListsPlaceholder' ) || (setting.maxLevels !== false && ! checkMaxLevels( true )) )
hint.css( 'display', 'none' );
// Find out if is necessary to wrap hint by hintWrapper
if ( list.length )
children.last().append( hint );
oEl.append( hint );
hint.wrap( hintWrapper );
if ( state.oEl )
open( oEl ); // TODO: animation???
// Hint outside the oEl
// Ensure display:none if hint will be next to the placeholder
if ( oEl.next( '#sortableListsPlaceholder' ).length || (setting.maxLevels !== false && ! checkMaxLevels( false )) )
hint.css( 'display', 'none' );
oEl.after( hint );
hint.css( 'display', 'block' );
// Ensures posible formating of elements. Second call is in the endDrag method.
state.isAllowed = setting.isAllowed( state.cEl.el, hint, hint.parents( 'li' ).first() );
//////// End of show hint handlers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////// Open/close handlers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* @desc Handles opening nested lists
* @param li
function open( li )
li.removeClass( 'sortableListsClosed' ).addClass( 'sortableListsOpen' );
li.children( setting.listSelector ).css( 'display', 'block' );
var opener = li.children( 'div' ).children( '.sortableListsOpener' ).first();
if ( setting.opener.as == 'html' )
opener.html( setting.opener.close );
else if ( setting.opener.as == 'class' )
opener.addClass( setting.opener.close ).removeClass( setting.opener.open );
opener.css( 'background-image', 'url(' + setting.opener.close + ')' );
* @desc Handles opening nested lists
* @param li
function close( li )
li.removeClass( 'sortableListsOpen' ).addClass( 'sortableListsClosed' );
li.children( setting.listSelector ).css( 'display', 'none' );
var opener = li.children( 'div' ).children( '.sortableListsOpener' ).first();
if ( setting.opener.as == 'html' )
opener.html( setting.opener.open );
else if ( setting.opener.as == 'class' )
opener.addClass( setting.opener.open ).removeClass( setting.opener.close );
opener.css( 'background-image', 'url(' + setting.opener.open + ')' );
/////// Enf of open/close handlers //////////////////////////////////////////////
/////// Levels handlers /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function getInsideLevels( li )
var levs = 0;
var list = li.children( setting.listSelector );
if( list.length )
var maxNestedLevs = 0;
var currLiLevs = 0;
list.find( 'li' ).each( function( i )
currLiLevs = getInsideLevels($(this));
if( maxNestedLevs < currLiLevs ) maxNestedLevs = currLiLevs;
if( maxNestedLevs ) levs = levs + maxNestedLevs;
return levs;
function setInsideLevels( li, levs )
li.data('insideLevels', levs);
function getUpperLevels( li )
var levs = 0;
var rootEl = state.rootEl.el;
var parentList = li.closest( setting.listSelector );
while( ! parentList.is( rootEl ) )
parentList = parentList.parent().closest( setting.listSelector );
return levs;
function setUpperLevels( li, levs )
li.data('upperLevels', levs);
function checkMaxLevels( inside )
var insideLevs = state.cEl.el.data( 'insideLevels' );
var upperLevs = state.oEl.data( 'upperLevels' );
return setting.maxLevels > upperLevs + insideLevs + (inside ? 1 : 0);
function recountLevels( li )
var rootEl = state.rootEl.el;
var parentList = li.parent( setting.listSelector );
setInsideLevels( li, getInsideLevels( li ) );
setUpperLevels( li, getUpperLevels( li ) );
var i = 0;
li.find( 'li' ).each( function()
var li = $(this);
setInsideLevels( li, getInsideLevels( li ) );
setUpperLevels( li, getUpperLevels( li ) );
while( ! parentList.is( rootEl ) && i < 50 )
var li = parentList.parent( 'li' );
setInsideLevels( li, getInsideLevels( li ) ); // No need to set upper levels
parentList = li.parent( setting.listSelector );
* @desc Places the currEl to the target place
* @param cEl
function tidyCurrEl( cEl )
var cElStyle = cEl.el[ 0 ].style;
cEl.el.removeClass( setting.currElClass + ' ' + 'sortableListsCurrent' );
cElStyle.top = '0';
cElStyle.left = '0';
cElStyle.position = 'relative';
cElStyle.width = 'auto';
* @desc Removes empty lists and redundant openers
function tidyEmptyLists()
// Remove every empty ul/ol from root and also with .sortableListsOpener
// hintWrapper can not be removed before the hint
$( setting.listSelector, state.rootEl.el ).each( function( i )
if ( ! $( this ).children().length )
$( this ).prev( 'div' ).children( '.sortableListsOpener' ).first().remove();
$( this ).remove();
//// toArray /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* @desc jQuery plugin
* @returns this to unsure chaining
$.fn.sortableListsToArray = function( arr, parentId )
arr = arr || [];
var order = 0;
this.children( 'li' ).each( function()
var li = $( this ),
listItem = {},
id = li.attr( 'id' );
if ( ! id )
console.log( li ); // Have to be here! Read next exception message.
throw 'Previous item in console.log has no id. It is necessary to create the array.';
listItem.id = id;
listItem.parentId = parentId;
listItem.value = li.data( 'value' );
listItem.order = order;
arr.push( listItem );
li.children( 'ul,ol' ).sortableListsToArray( arr, id );
order ++;
} );
return arr;
* @desc jQuery plugin
* @returns this to unsure chaining
$.fn.sortableListsToHierarchy = function()
var arr = [],
order = 0;
$( this ).children( 'li' ).each( function()
var li = $( this ),
listItem = {},
id = li.attr( 'id' );
if ( ! id )
console.log( li ); // Have to be here! Read next exception message.
throw 'Previous item in console.log has no id. It is necessary to create the array.';
listItem.id = id;
listItem.value = li.data( 'value' );
listItem.order = order;
arr.push( listItem );
listItem.children = li.children( 'ul,ol' ).sortableListsToHierarchy();
order ++;
} );
return arr;
* @desc jQuery plugin
* @returns string
$.fn.sortableListsToString = function( arr, parentId )
arr = arr || [];
parentId = parentId || 'no-parent'; // string "0" is evaluate to true and is valid
$( this ).children( 'li' ).each( function()
var li = $( this ),
id = li.attr( 'id' ),
matches = id ? id.match( /(.+)[-=_](.+)/ ) : null; // string "0" is evaluate to true but is not valid
if ( ! matches )
console.log( li ); // Have to be here. Read next exception message.
throw 'Previous item in console.log has no id or id is not in required format xx_yy, xx-yy or xx=yy. It is necessary to create valid string.';
arr.push( matches[ 1 ] + '[' + matches[ 2 ] + ']=' + parentId );
$( this ).children( 'ul,ol' ).sortableListsToString( arr, matches[ 2 ] );
} );
return arr.join( '&' );
}( jQuery ));