define( 'ABS_PATH', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/' );
define( 'LIB_PATH', ABS_PATH . 'oc-includes/');
require_once ABS_PATH . 'config.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/classes/database/DBConnectionClass.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/classes/database/DBCommandClass.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/classes/database/DBRecordsetClass.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/classes/database/DAO.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/Logger/Logger.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/Logger/LogDatabase.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/Logger/LogOsclass.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/core/Session.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/core/Params.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/model/Preference.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/helpers/hDatabaseInfo.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/helpers/hDefines.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/helpers/hErrors.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/helpers/hLocale.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/helpers/hPreference.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/helpers/hPlugins.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/helpers/hTranslations.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/helpers/hUtils.php'; // delete it in future
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/compatibility.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/default-constants.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/formatting.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/install-functions.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/utils.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/core/Translation.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/classes/Plugins.php';
if( is_osclass_installed() ) {
$json_message = array();
$json_message['status'] = true;
$result = basic_info();
$json_message['email_status'] = $result['email_status'];
$json_message['password'] = $result['s_password'];
// create market.osclass.org account
//if(Params::getParam('createmarketaccount')!='' && Params::getParam('createmarketaccount')==1) {
// create_market_account();
if(!$_POST['skip_location_input'] && $_POST['location_api'] != 'skip') {
$msg = install_locations();
$json_message['status'] = $msg;
echo json_encode($json_message);
function create_market_account() {
$url = osc_market_url() . 'create_account/';
$json = osc_file_get_contents(
, array(
's_email' => Params::getParam('email')
function basic_info() {
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/model/Admin.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/helpers/hSecurity.php';
$admin = Params::getParam('s_name');
if( $admin == '' ) {
$admin = 'admin';
$password = Params::getParam('s_passwd', false, false);
if( $password == '' ) {
$password = osc_genRandomPassword();
's_name' => 'Administrator'
,'s_username' => $admin
,'s_password' => osc_hash_password($password)
,'s_email' => Params::getParam('email')
$mPreference = Preference::newInstance();
$mPreference->insert (
's_section' => 'osclass'
,'s_name' => 'pageTitle'
,'s_value' => Params::getParam('webtitle')
,'e_type' => 'STRING'
$mPreference->insert (
's_section' => 'osclass'
,'s_name' => 'contactEmail'
,'s_value' => Params::getParam('email')
,'e_type' => 'STRING'
$body = sprintf(__('Hi %s,'),Params::getParam('webtitle'))."<br/><br/>";
$body .= sprintf(__('Your Osclass Evolution installation at %s is up and running. You can access the administration panel with these details:'), WEB_PATH) . '<br/>';
$body .= '<ul>';
$body .= '<li>'.sprintf(__('username: %s'), $admin).'</li>';
$body .= '<li>'.sprintf(__('password: %s'), $password).'</li>';
$body .= '</ul>';
$body .= sprintf(__('Remember that for any doubts you might have you can consult our <a href="%1$s">documentation</a>, <a href="%2$s">forum</a> or buy themes or plugins in our official <a href="%3$s">marketplace</a>.'), 'https://osclass.pro/dokumentaciya/', 'https://4osclass.net/', 'https://osclass-pro.ru/');
$body .= sprintf(' ' . __('You can write your offers for improving Osclass Evolution to us by e-mail: <a href="mailto:%1$s">here</a>!'), 'offers@osclass.market') . '<br/><br/>';
$body .= sprintf(' ' . __('For paid development of the functionality of your site, please contact us: <a href="mailto:%1$s">here</a>!'), 'development@osclass.market') . '<br/><br/>';
$body .= sprintf(' ' . __('If you want to support us, buy us some beer. You can support us via Paypal: <a href="%1$s">donate@osclass.market</a>!'), 'donate@osclass.market') . '<br/><br/>';
$body .= __('Cheers,')."<br/>";
$body .= __('The <a href="https://osclass.pro/">Osclass Evolution</a> team');
$sitename = strtolower( Params::getServerParam('SERVER_NAME'));
if ( substr( $sitename, 0, 4 ) == 'www.' ) {
$sitename = substr( $sitename, 4 );
require_once LIB_PATH . 'phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';
$mail = new PHPMailer(true);
$mail->CharSet = "utf-8";
$mail->Host = "localhost";
$mail->From = 'osclass-evolution@' . $sitename;
$mail->FromName = 'Osclass Evolution';
$mail->Subject = 'Osclass Evolution successfully installed!';
$mail->AddAddress(Params::getParam('email'), 'Osclass administrator');
$mail->Body = $body;
$mail->AltBody = $body;
if( !$mail->Send() ) {
return array('email_status' => Params::getParam('email') . "<br>" . $mail->ErrorInfo, 's_password' => $password );
return array('email_status' => '', 's_password' => $password );
} catch(phpmailerException $exception) {
return array('email_status' => Params::getParam('email') . "<br>" . $exception->errorMessage(), 's_password' => $password );
function install_locations() {
$location = Params::getParam('location_api');
if($location) {
$sql = osc_file_get_contents(osc_get_locations_sql_url($location));
if($sql) {
$conn = DBConnectionClass::newInstance();
$c_db = $conn->getOsclassDb();
$comm = new DBCommandClass( $c_db );
$comm->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0');
$imported = $comm->importSQL($sql);
$comm->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1');
return true;
return false;
/* $country = Params::getParam("country-input");
$region = Params::getParam("region-input");
$city = Params::getParam("city-input");
if($country!='all') {
if($region!='all') {
if($city!='all') {
$sql = 'action=city&term='.urlencode($city);
} else {
$sql = 'action=region&term='.urlencode($region);
} else {
$sql = 'action=country&term='.urlencode($country);
} else {
$sql = 'action=country&term=all';
$data_sql = osc_file_get_contents('https://geo.osclass.org/newgeo.download.php?'.$sql.'&install=true');
$conn = DBConnectionClass::newInstance();
$c_db = $conn->getOsclassDb();
$comm = new DBCommandClass($c_db);
$comm->query("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0");
$imported = $comm->importSQL($data_sql);
$comm->query("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1");
return $imported;*/