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<?php osc_run_hook('help_box'); ?>
<?php if(osc_need_core_update()): ?>
<div id="core-upgrade-notification" class="alert flashmessage flashmessage-warning" style="display:block;">
<?php printf(__('A new version of <strong>Osclass Evolution v.%s</strong> is available NOW!'), osc_get_latest_core_version(false)); ?>
<div class="separate-top-medium">
<a href="<?php echo osc_admin_base_url(true); ?>?page=tools&action=upgrade" class="btn btn-mini"><?php _e('Go to Upgrade page'); ?></a>
<a id="upgrade-remind-later" class="btn-mini" style="margin-top: 3px; display: inline-block;"><?php _e('Remind me later'); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
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