INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (1, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Someone has a question about your listing', '<p>Hi {CONTACT_NAME}!</p><p>{USER_NAME} ({USER_EMAIL}, {USER_PHONE}) left you a message about your listing <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a>:</p><p>{COMMENT}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (2, 'en_US', 'Please validate your {WEB_TITLE} account', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>Please validate your registration by clicking on the following link: {VALIDATION_LINK}</p><p>Thank you!</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (3, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Registration successful!', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>You\'ve successfully registered for {WEB_LINK}.</p><p>Thank you!</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (4, 'en_US', 'Look at what I discovered on {WEB_TITLE}', '<p>Hi {FRIEND_NAME},</p><p>Your friend {USER_NAME} wants to share this listing with you <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a>.</p><p>Message:</p><p>{COMMENT}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_TITLE}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (5, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - New listings in the last hour', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>New listings have been published in the last hour. Take a look at them:</p><p>{ADS}</p><p>-------------</p><p>To unsubscribe from this alert, click on: {UNSUB_LINK}</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (6, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - New listings in the last day', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>New listings have been published in the last day. Take a look at them:</p><p>{ADS}</p><p>-------------</p><p>To unsubscribe from this alert, click on: {UNSUB_LINK}</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (7, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - New listings in the last week', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>New listings have been published in the last week. Take a look at them:</p><p>{ADS}</p><p>-------------</p><p>To unsubscribe from this alert, click on: {UNSUB_LINK}</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (8, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - New listings', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>A new listing has been published, check it out!</p><p>{ADS}</p><p>-------------</p><p>To unsubscribe from this alert, click on: {UNSUB_LINK}</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (9, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - New comment', '<p>Someone commented on the listing <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a>.</p><p>Commenter: {COMMENT_AUTHOR}<br />Commenter\'s email: {COMMENT_EMAIL}<br />Title: {COMMENT_TITLE}<br />Comment: {COMMENT_TEXT}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (10, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Edit options for the listing {ITEM_TITLE}', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>You\'re not registered at {WEB_LINK}, but you can still edit or delete the listing <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a> for a short period of time.</p><p>You can edit your listing by following this link: {EDIT_LINK}</p><p>You can delete your listing by following this link: {DELETE_LINK}</p><p>If you register as a user, you will have full access to editing options.</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (11, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Validate your listing', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>You\'re receiving this e-mail because a listing has been published at {WEB_LINK}. Please validate this listing by clicking on the following link: {VALIDATION_LINK}. If you didn\'t publish this listing, please ignore this email.</p><p>Listing details:</p><p>Contact name: {USER_NAME}<br />Contact e-mail: {USER_EMAIL}</p><p>{ITEM_DESCRIPTION}</p><p>Url: {ITEM_URL}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (12, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - A new listing has been published', '<p>Dear {WEB_TITLE} admin,</p><p>You\'re receiving this email because a listing has been published at {WEB_LINK}.</p><p>Listing details:</p><p>Contact name: {USER_NAME}<br />Contact email: {USER_EMAIL}</p><p>{ITEM_DESCRIPTION}</p><p>Url: {ITEM_URL}</p><p>You can edit this listing by clicking on the following link: {EDIT_LINK}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (13, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Recover your password', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>We\'ve sent you this e-mail because you\'ve requested a password reminder. Follow this link to recover it: {PASSWORD_LINK}</p><p>The link will be deactivated in 24 hours.</p><p>If you didn\'t request a password reminder, please ignore this message. This request was made from IP {IP_ADDRESS} on {DATE_TIME}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (14, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - You requested an email change', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME}</p><p>You\'re receiving this e-mail because you requested an e-mail change. Please confirm this new e-mail address by clicking on the following validation link: {VALIDATION_LINK}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (15, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Please validate your alert', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>Please validate your alert registration by clicking on the following link: {VALIDATION_LINK}</p><p>Thank you!</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (16, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Your comment has been approved', '<p>Hi {COMMENT_AUTHOR},</p><p>Your comment on <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a> has been approved.</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (17, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Validate your listing', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>You\'re receiving this e-mail because you\’ve published a listing at {WEB_LINK}. Please validate this listing by clicking on the following link: {VALIDATION_LINK}. If you didn\'t publish this listing, please ignore this e-mail.</p><p>Listing details:</p><p>Contact name: {USER_NAME}<br />Contact e-mail: {USER_EMAIL}</p><p>{ITEM_DESCRIPTION}</p><p>Url: {ITEM_URL}</p><p>Even if you\'re not registered at {WEB_LINK}, you can still edit or delete your listing:</p><p>You can edit your listing by following this link: {EDIT_LINK}</p><p>You can delete your listing by following this link: {DELETE_LINK}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (18, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - A new user has registered', '<p>Dear {WEB_TITLE} admin,</p><p>You\'re receiving this email because a new user has been created at {WEB_LINK}.</p><p>User details:</p><p>Name: {USER_NAME}<br />E-mail: {USER_EMAIL}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (19, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Someone has a question for you', '<p>Hi {CONTACT_NAME}!</p><p>{USER_NAME} ({USER_EMAIL}, {USER_PHONE}) left you a message:</p><p>{COMMENT}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (20, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Someone has commented on your listing', '<p>There\'s a new comment on the listing: <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a>.</p><p>Author: {COMMENT_AUTHOR}<br />Author\'s email: {COMMENT_EMAIL}<br />Title: {COMMENT_TITLE}<br />Comment: {COMMENT_TEXT}</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (21, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Success creating admin account!', '<p>Hi {ADMIN_NAME},</p><p>The admin of {WEB_LINK} has created an account for you,</p><ul><li>Username: {USERNAME}</li><li>Password: {PASSWORD}</li></ul><p>You can access the admin panel here {WEB_ADMIN_LINK}.</p><p>Thank you!</p><p>Regards,</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (22, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Your ad is about to expire', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>Your listing <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a> is about to expire at {WEB_LINK}.');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (23, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Listing has been approved<p>Hi {USER_NAME}','<p>Your listing "{ITEM_LINK}" has passed moderation and is published on the site now!</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (24, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - A new listing awaiting moderation is published', '<p>Dear {WEB_TITLE} admin,</p><p>You\'re receiving this email because a listing has been {ITEM_ACTION_TYPE} at {WEB_LINK}.</p><p>Listing details:</p><p>Contact name: {USER_NAME}<br />Contact email: {USER_EMAIL}</p><p>{ITEM_DESCRIPTION}</p><p>Url: {ITEM_LINK}</p><p>You can view and approve this listing by clicking on the following link: {ITEM_EDIT_LINK}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (25, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Edited comment', '<p>Someone edited comment on the listing <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a>.</p><p>Commenter: {COMMENT_AUTHOR}<br />Commenter\'s email: {COMMENT_EMAIL}<br />Title: {COMMENT_TITLE}<br />Comment: {COMMENT_TEXT}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (26, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Your account has been approved', '<p>Dear {USER_NAME},<p>You\'re receiving this email because your account at {WEB_LINK} has been <strong>APPROVED</strong>.</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (27, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Your account has been rejected.', '<p>Dear {USER_NAME},<p>You\'re receiving this email because your account at {WEB_LINK} has been <strong>REJECTED</strong>.</p><p>If you want to appeal the decision, you can write to us via the contact form on our website.</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');