namespace Intervention\Image\Colors\Rgb;
use Intervention\Image\Colors\Hsv\Color as HsvColor;
use Intervention\Image\Colors\Hsl\Color as HslColor;
use Intervention\Image\Colors\Cmyk\Color as CmykColor;
use Intervention\Image\Exceptions\ColorException;
use Intervention\Image\Interfaces\ColorChannelInterface;
use Intervention\Image\Interfaces\ColorInterface;
use Intervention\Image\Interfaces\ColorspaceInterface;
class Colorspace implements ColorspaceInterface
* Channel class names of colorspace
* @var array<string>
public static array $channels = [
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see ColorspaceInterface::colorFromNormalized()
public function colorFromNormalized(array $normalized): ColorInterface
return new Color(...array_map(
fn($classname, float $value_normalized) => (new $classname(normalized: $value_normalized))->value(),
* @param ColorInterface $color
* @return ColorInterface
* @throws ColorException
public function importColor(ColorInterface $color): ColorInterface
return match ($color::class) {
CmykColor::class => $this->importCmykColor($color),
HsvColor::class => $this->importHsvColor($color),
HslColor::class => $this->importHslColor($color),
default => $color,
* @param ColorInterface $color
* @return ColorInterface
* @throws ColorException
protected function importCmykColor(ColorInterface $color): ColorInterface
if (!($color instanceof CmykColor)) {
throw new ColorException('Unabled to import color of type ' . $color::class . '.');
return new Color(
(int) (255 * (1 - $color->cyan()->normalize()) * (1 - $color->key()->normalize())),
(int) (255 * (1 - $color->magenta()->normalize()) * (1 - $color->key()->normalize())),
(int) (255 * (1 - $color->yellow()->normalize()) * (1 - $color->key()->normalize())),
* @param ColorInterface $color
* @return ColorInterface
* @throws ColorException
protected function importHsvColor(ColorInterface $color): ColorInterface
if (!($color instanceof HsvColor)) {
throw new ColorException('Unabled to import color of type ' . $color::class . '.');
$chroma = $color->value()->normalize() * $color->saturation()->normalize();
$hue = $color->hue()->normalize() * 6;
$x = $chroma * (1 - abs(fmod($hue, 2) - 1));
// connect channel values
$values = match (true) {
$hue < 1 => [$chroma, $x, 0],
$hue < 2 => [$x, $chroma, 0],
$hue < 3 => [0, $chroma, $x],
$hue < 4 => [0, $x, $chroma],
$hue < 5 => [$x, 0, $chroma],
default => [$chroma, 0, $x],
// add to each value
$values = array_map(fn(float|int $value): float => $value + $color->value()->normalize() - $chroma, $values);
$values[] = 1; // append alpha channel value
return $this->colorFromNormalized($values);
* @param ColorInterface $color
* @return ColorInterface
* @throws ColorException
protected function importHslColor(ColorInterface $color): ColorInterface
if (!($color instanceof HslColor)) {
throw new ColorException('Unabled to import color of type ' . $color::class . '.');
// normalized values of hsl channels
[$h, $s, $l] = array_map(
fn(ColorChannelInterface $channel): float => $channel->normalize(),
$c = (1 - abs(2 * $l - 1)) * $s;
$x = $c * (1 - abs(fmod($h * 6, 2) - 1));
$m = $l - $c / 2;
$values = match (true) {
$h < 1 / 6 => [$c, $x, 0],
$h < 2 / 6 => [$x, $c, 0],
$h < 3 / 6 => [0, $c, $x],
$h < 4 / 6 => [0, $x, $c],
$h < 5 / 6 => [$x, 0, $c],
default => [$c, 0, $x],
$values = array_map(fn(float|int $value): float => $value + $m, $values);
$values[] = 1; // append alpha channel value
return $this->colorFromNormalized($values);