namespace Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd;
use GdImage;
use Intervention\Image\Colors\Rgb\Channels\Alpha;
use Intervention\Image\Colors\Rgb\Color;
use Intervention\Image\Exceptions\ColorException;
use Intervention\Image\Geometry\Rectangle;
use Intervention\Image\Interfaces\ColorInterface;
use Intervention\Image\Interfaces\SizeInterface;
class Cloner
* Create a clone of the given GdImage
* @param GdImage $gd
* @throws ColorException
* @return GdImage
public static function clone(GdImage $gd): GdImage
// create empty canvas with same size
$clone = static::cloneEmpty($gd);
// transfer actual image to clone
imagecopy($clone, $gd, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($gd), imagesy($gd));
return $clone;
* Create an "empty" clone of the given GdImage
* This only retains the basic data without transferring the actual image.
* It is optionally possible to change the size of the result and set a
* background color.
* @param GdImage $gd
* @param null|SizeInterface $size
* @param ColorInterface $background
* @throws ColorException
* @return GdImage
public static function cloneEmpty(
GdImage $gd,
?SizeInterface $size = null,
ColorInterface $background = new Color(255, 255, 255, 0)
): GdImage {
// define size
$size = $size ?: new Rectangle(imagesx($gd), imagesy($gd));
// create new gd image with same size or new given size
$clone = imagecreatetruecolor($size->width(), $size->height());
// copy resolution to clone
$resolution = imageresolution($gd);
if (is_array($resolution) && array_key_exists(0, $resolution) && array_key_exists(1, $resolution)) {
imageresolution($clone, $resolution[0], $resolution[1]);
// fill with background
$processor = new ColorProcessor();
imagefill($clone, 0, 0, $processor->colorToNative($background));
imagealphablending($clone, true);
imagesavealpha($clone, true);
// set background image as transparent if alpha channel value if color is below .5
// comes into effect when the end format only supports binary transparency (like GIF)
if ($background->channel(Alpha::class)->value() < 128) {
imagecolortransparent($clone, $processor->colorToNative($background));
return $clone;
* Create a clone of an GdImage that is positioned on the specified background color.
* Possible transparent areas are mixed with this color.
* @param GdImage $gd
* @param ColorInterface $background
* @throws ColorException
* @return GdImage
public static function cloneBlended(GdImage $gd, ColorInterface $background): GdImage
// create empty canvas with same size
$clone = static::cloneEmpty($gd, background: $background);
// transfer actual image to clone
imagecopy($clone, $gd, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($gd), imagesy($gd));
return $clone;