namespace Intervention\Image\Interfaces;
use Intervention\Image\Exceptions\RuntimeException;
interface ImageManagerInterface
* Create new image instance with given width & height
* @link https://image.intervention.io/v3/basics/instantiation#creating-new-images
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
* @throws RuntimeException
* @return ImageInterface
public function create(int $width, int $height): ImageInterface;
* Create new image instance from given input which can be one of the following
* - Path in filesystem
* - File Pointer resource
* - SplFileInfo object
* - Raw binary image data
* - Base64 encoded image data
* - Data Uri
* - Intervention\Image\Image Instance
* To decode the raw input data, you can optionally specify a decoding strategy
* with the second parameter. This can be an array of class names or objects
* of decoders to be processed in sequence. In this case, the input must be
* decodedable with one of the decoders passed. It is also possible to pass
* a single object or class name of a decoder.
* All decoders that implement the `DecoderInterface::class` can be passed. Usually
* a selection of classes of the namespace `Intervention\Image\Decoders`
* If the second parameter is not set, an attempt to decode the input is made
* with all available decoders of the driver.
* @link https://image.intervention.io/v3/basics/instantiation#reading-images
* @param mixed $input
* @param string|array<string|DecoderInterface>|DecoderInterface $decoders
* @throws RuntimeException
* @return ImageInterface
public function read(mixed $input, string|array|DecoderInterface $decoders = []): ImageInterface;
* Create new animated image by given callback
* @link https://image.intervention.io/v3/basics/instantiation#creating-animations
* @param callable $init
* @throws RuntimeException
* @return ImageInterface
public function animate(callable $init): ImageInterface;
* Return currently used driver
* @return DriverInterface
public function driver(): DriverInterface;