namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Traits\CanConfigureMigrationCommands;
trait RefreshDatabase
use CanConfigureMigrationCommands;
* Define hooks to migrate the database before and after each test.
* @return void
public function refreshDatabase()
? $this->refreshInMemoryDatabase()
: $this->refreshTestDatabase();
* Determine if an in-memory database is being used.
* @return bool
protected function usingInMemoryDatabase()
$default = config('database.default');
return config("database.connections.$default.database") === ':memory:';
* Refresh the in-memory database.
* @return void
protected function refreshInMemoryDatabase()
$this->artisan('migrate', $this->migrateUsing());
* The parameters that should be used when running "migrate".
* @return array
protected function migrateUsing()
return [
'--seed' => $this->shouldSeed(),
'--seeder' => $this->seeder(),
* Refresh a conventional test database.
* @return void
protected function refreshTestDatabase()
if (! RefreshDatabaseState::$migrated) {
$this->artisan('migrate:fresh', $this->migrateFreshUsing());
RefreshDatabaseState::$migrated = true;
* Begin a database transaction on the testing database.
* @return void
public function beginDatabaseTransaction()
$database = $this->app->make('db');
$this->app->instance('db.transactions', $transactionsManager = new DatabaseTransactionsManager);
foreach ($this->connectionsToTransact() as $name) {
$connection = $database->connection($name);
$dispatcher = $connection->getEventDispatcher();
$this->beforeApplicationDestroyed(function () use ($database) {
foreach ($this->connectionsToTransact() as $name) {
$connection = $database->connection($name);
$dispatcher = $connection->getEventDispatcher();
* The database connections that should have transactions.
* @return array
protected function connectionsToTransact()
return property_exists($this, 'connectionsToTransact')
? $this->connectionsToTransact : [null];
* Perform any work that should take place before the database has started refreshing.
* @return void
protected function beforeRefreshingDatabase()
// ...
* Perform any work that should take place once the database has finished refreshing.
* @return void
protected function afterRefreshingDatabase()
// ...