<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* This file is part of the Monolog package.
* (c) Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossed;
use Monolog\Level;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
use Monolog\LogRecord;
* Channel and Error level based monolog activation strategy. Allows to trigger activation
* based on level per channel. e.g. trigger activation on level 'ERROR' by default, except
* for records of the 'sql' channel; those should trigger activation on level 'WARN'.
* Example:
* <code>
* $activationStrategy = new ChannelLevelActivationStrategy(
* Level::Critical,
* array(
* 'request' => Level::Alert,
* 'sensitive' => Level::Error,
* )
* );
* $handler = new FingersCrossedHandler(new StreamHandler('php://stderr'), $activationStrategy);
* </code>
* @author Mike Meessen <netmikey@gmail.com>
class ChannelLevelActivationStrategy implements ActivationStrategyInterface
private Level $defaultActionLevel;
* @var array<string, Level>
private array $channelToActionLevel;
* @param int|string|Level|LogLevel::* $defaultActionLevel The default action level to be used if the record's category doesn't match any
* @param array<string, int|string|Level|LogLevel::*> $channelToActionLevel An array that maps channel names to action levels.
* @phpstan-param value-of<Level::VALUES>|value-of<Level::NAMES>|Level|LogLevel::* $defaultActionLevel
* @phpstan-param array<string, value-of<Level::VALUES>|value-of<Level::NAMES>|Level|LogLevel::*> $channelToActionLevel
public function __construct(int|string|Level $defaultActionLevel, array $channelToActionLevel = [])
$this->defaultActionLevel = Logger::toMonologLevel($defaultActionLevel);
$this->channelToActionLevel = array_map(Logger::toMonologLevel(...), $channelToActionLevel);
public function isHandlerActivated(LogRecord $record): bool
if (isset($this->channelToActionLevel[$record->channel])) {
return $record->level->value >= $this->channelToActionLevel[$record->channel]->value;
return $record->level->value >= $this->defaultActionLevel->value;