* This file is part of the Nette Framework (https://nette.org)
* Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (https://davidgrudl.com)
namespace Nette\Schema\Elements;
use Nette;
use Nette\Schema\Context;
use Nette\Schema\Helpers;
* @internal
trait Base
private bool $required = false;
private mixed $default = null;
/** @var ?callable */
private $before;
/** @var callable[] */
private array $transforms = [];
private ?string $deprecated = null;
public function default(mixed $value): self
$this->default = $value;
return $this;
public function required(bool $state = true): self
$this->required = $state;
return $this;
public function before(callable $handler): self
$this->before = $handler;
return $this;
public function castTo(string $type): self
return $this->transform(Helpers::getCastStrategy($type));
public function transform(callable $handler): self
$this->transforms[] = $handler;
return $this;
public function assert(callable $handler, ?string $description = null): self
$expected = $description ?: (is_string($handler) ? "$handler()" : '#' . count($this->transforms));
return $this->transform(function ($value, Context $context) use ($handler, $description, $expected) {
if ($handler($value)) {
return $value;
'Failed assertion ' . ($description ? "'%assertion%'" : '%assertion%') . ' for %label% %path% with value %value%.',
['value' => $value, 'assertion' => $expected],
/** Marks as deprecated */
public function deprecated(string $message = 'The item %path% is deprecated.'): self
$this->deprecated = $message;
return $this;
public function completeDefault(Context $context): mixed
if ($this->required) {
'The mandatory item %path% is missing.',
return null;
return $this->default;
public function doNormalize(mixed $value, Context $context): mixed
if ($this->before) {
$value = ($this->before)($value);
return $value;
private function doDeprecation(Context $context): void
if ($this->deprecated !== null) {
private function doTransform(mixed $value, Context $context): mixed
$isOk = $context->createChecker();
foreach ($this->transforms as $handler) {
$value = $handler($value, $context);
if (!$isOk()) {
return null;
return $value;
/** @deprecated use Nette\Schema\Validators::validateType() */
private function doValidate(mixed $value, string $expected, Context $context): bool
$isOk = $context->createChecker();
Helpers::validateType($value, $expected, $context);
return $isOk();
/** @deprecated use Nette\Schema\Validators::validateRange() */
private static function doValidateRange(mixed $value, array $range, Context $context, string $types = ''): bool
$isOk = $context->createChecker();
Helpers::validateRange($value, $range, $context, $types);
return $isOk();
/** @deprecated use doTransform() */
private function doFinalize(mixed $value, Context $context): mixed
return $this->doTransform($value, $context);