* This file is part of the Nette Framework (https://nette.org)
* Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (https://davidgrudl.com)
namespace Nette\Utils;
use Nette;
* Finder allows searching through directory trees using iterator.
* Finder::findFiles('*.php')
* ->size('> 10kB')
* ->from('.')
* ->exclude('temp');
* @implements \IteratorAggregate<string, FileInfo>
class Finder implements \IteratorAggregate
use Nette\SmartObject;
/** @var array<array{string, string}> */
private array $find = [];
/** @var string[] */
private array $in = [];
/** @var \Closure[] */
private array $filters = [];
/** @var \Closure[] */
private array $descentFilters = [];
/** @var array<string|self> */
private array $appends = [];
private bool $childFirst = false;
/** @var ?callable */
private $sort;
private int $maxDepth = -1;
private bool $ignoreUnreadableDirs = true;
* Begins search for files and directories matching mask.
public static function find(string|array $masks = ['*']): static
$masks = is_array($masks) ? $masks : func_get_args(); // compatibility with variadic
return (new static)->addMask($masks, 'dir')->addMask($masks, 'file');
* Begins search for files matching mask.
public static function findFiles(string|array $masks = ['*']): static
$masks = is_array($masks) ? $masks : func_get_args(); // compatibility with variadic
return (new static)->addMask($masks, 'file');
* Begins search for directories matching mask.
public static function findDirectories(string|array $masks = ['*']): static
$masks = is_array($masks) ? $masks : func_get_args(); // compatibility with variadic
return (new static)->addMask($masks, 'dir');
* Finds files matching the specified masks.
public function files(string|array $masks = ['*']): static
return $this->addMask((array) $masks, 'file');
* Finds directories matching the specified masks.
public function directories(string|array $masks = ['*']): static
return $this->addMask((array) $masks, 'dir');
private function addMask(array $masks, string $mode): static
foreach ($masks as $mask) {
$mask = FileSystem::unixSlashes($mask);
if ($mode === 'dir') {
$mask = rtrim($mask, '/');
if ($mask === '' || ($mode === 'file' && str_ends_with($mask, '/'))) {
throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException("Invalid mask '$mask'");
if (str_starts_with($mask, '**/')) {
$mask = substr($mask, 3);
$this->find[] = [$mask, $mode];
return $this;
* Searches in the given directories. Wildcards are allowed.
public function in(string|array $paths): static
$paths = is_array($paths) ? $paths : func_get_args(); // compatibility with variadic
$this->addLocation($paths, '');
return $this;
* Searches recursively from the given directories. Wildcards are allowed.
public function from(string|array $paths): static
$paths = is_array($paths) ? $paths : func_get_args(); // compatibility with variadic
$this->addLocation($paths, '/**');
return $this;
private function addLocation(array $paths, string $ext): void
foreach ($paths as $path) {
if ($path === '') {
throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException("Invalid directory '$path'");
$path = rtrim(FileSystem::unixSlashes($path), '/');
$this->in[] = $path . $ext;
* Lists directory's contents before the directory itself. By default, this is disabled.
public function childFirst(bool $state = true): static
$this->childFirst = $state;
return $this;
* Ignores unreadable directories. By default, this is enabled.
public function ignoreUnreadableDirs(bool $state = true): static
$this->ignoreUnreadableDirs = $state;
return $this;
* Set a compare function for sorting directory entries. The function will be called to sort entries from the same directory.
* @param callable(FileInfo, FileInfo): int $callback
public function sortBy(callable $callback): static
$this->sort = $callback;
return $this;
* Sorts files in each directory naturally by name.
public function sortByName(): static
$this->sort = fn(FileInfo $a, FileInfo $b): int => strnatcmp($a->getBasename(), $b->getBasename());
return $this;
* Adds the specified paths or appends a new finder that returns.
public function append(string|array|null $paths = null): static
if ($paths === null) {
return $this->appends[] = new static;
$this->appends = array_merge($this->appends, (array) $paths);
return $this;
/********************* filtering ****************d*g**/
* Skips entries that matches the given masks relative to the ones defined with the in() or from() methods.
public function exclude(string|array $masks): static
$masks = is_array($masks) ? $masks : func_get_args(); // compatibility with variadic
foreach ($masks as $mask) {
$mask = FileSystem::unixSlashes($mask);
if (!preg_match('~^/?(\*\*/)?(.+)(/\*\*|/\*|/|)$~D', $mask, $m)) {
throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException("Invalid mask '$mask'");
$end = $m[3];
$re = $this->buildPattern($m[2]);
$filter = fn(FileInfo $file): bool => ($end && !$file->isDir())
|| !preg_match($re, FileSystem::unixSlashes($file->getRelativePathname()));
if ($end !== '/*') {
return $this;
* Yields only entries which satisfy the given filter.
* @param callable(FileInfo): bool $callback
public function filter(callable $callback): static
$this->filters[] = \Closure::fromCallable($callback);
return $this;
* It descends only to directories that match the specified filter.
* @param callable(FileInfo): bool $callback
public function descentFilter(callable $callback): static
$this->descentFilters[] = \Closure::fromCallable($callback);
return $this;
* Sets the maximum depth of entries.
public function limitDepth(?int $depth): static
$this->maxDepth = $depth ?? -1;
return $this;
* Restricts the search by size. $operator accepts "[operator] [size] [unit]" example: >=10kB
public function size(string $operator, ?int $size = null): static
if (func_num_args() === 1) { // in $operator is predicate
if (!preg_match('#^(?:([=<>!]=?|<>)\s*)?((?:\d*\.)?\d+)\s*(K|M|G|)B?$#Di', $operator, $matches)) {
throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid size predicate format.');
[, $operator, $size, $unit] = $matches;
$units = ['' => 1, 'k' => 1e3, 'm' => 1e6, 'g' => 1e9];
$size *= $units[strtolower($unit)];
$operator = $operator ?: '=';
return $this->filter(fn(FileInfo $file): bool => !$file->isFile() || Helpers::compare($file->getSize(), $operator, $size));
* Restricts the search by modified time. $operator accepts "[operator] [date]" example: >1978-01-23
public function date(string $operator, string|int|\DateTimeInterface|null $date = null): static
if (func_num_args() === 1) { // in $operator is predicate
if (!preg_match('#^(?:([=<>!]=?|<>)\s*)?(.+)$#Di', $operator, $matches)) {
throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid date predicate format.');
[, $operator, $date] = $matches;
$operator = $operator ?: '=';
$date = DateTime::from($date)->format('U');
return $this->filter(fn(FileInfo $file): bool => !$file->isFile() || Helpers::compare($file->getMTime(), $operator, $date));
/********************* iterator generator ****************d*g**/
* Returns an array with all found files and directories.
* @return list<FileInfo>
public function collect(): array
return iterator_to_array($this->getIterator(), preserve_keys: false);
/** @return \Generator<string, FileInfo> */
public function getIterator(): \Generator
$plan = $this->buildPlan();
foreach ($plan as $dir => $searches) {
yield from $this->traverseDir($dir, $searches);
foreach ($this->appends as $item) {
if ($item instanceof self) {
yield from $item->getIterator();
} else {
$item = FileSystem::platformSlashes($item);
yield $item => new FileInfo($item);
* @param array<object{pattern: string, mode: string, recursive: bool}> $searches
* @param string[] $subdirs
* @return \Generator<string, FileInfo>
private function traverseDir(string $dir, array $searches, array $subdirs = []): \Generator
if ($this->maxDepth >= 0 && count($subdirs) > $this->maxDepth) {
} elseif (!is_dir($dir)) {
throw new Nette\InvalidStateException(sprintf("Directory '%s' does not exist.", rtrim($dir, '/\\')));
try {
$pathNames = new \FilesystemIterator($dir, \FilesystemIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS | \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS | \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME | \FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS);
} catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
if ($this->ignoreUnreadableDirs) {
} else {
throw new Nette\InvalidStateException($e->getMessage());
$files = $this->convertToFiles($pathNames, implode('/', $subdirs), FileSystem::isAbsolute($dir));
if ($this->sort) {
$files = iterator_to_array($files);
usort($files, $this->sort);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$pathName = $file->getPathname();
$cache = $subSearch = [];
if ($file->isDir()) {
foreach ($searches as $search) {
if ($search->recursive && $this->proveFilters($this->descentFilters, $file, $cache)) {
$subSearch[] = $search;
if ($this->childFirst && $subSearch) {
yield from $this->traverseDir($pathName, $subSearch, array_merge($subdirs, [$file->getBasename()]));
$relativePathname = FileSystem::unixSlashes($file->getRelativePathname());
foreach ($searches as $search) {
if (
$file->{'is' . $search->mode}()
&& preg_match($search->pattern, $relativePathname)
&& $this->proveFilters($this->filters, $file, $cache)
) {
yield $pathName => $file;
if (!$this->childFirst && $subSearch) {
yield from $this->traverseDir($pathName, $subSearch, array_merge($subdirs, [$file->getBasename()]));
private function convertToFiles(iterable $pathNames, string $relativePath, bool $absolute): \Generator
foreach ($pathNames as $pathName) {
if (!$absolute) {
$pathName = preg_replace('~\.?/~A', '', $pathName);
$pathName = FileSystem::platformSlashes($pathName);
yield new FileInfo($pathName, $relativePath);
private function proveFilters(array $filters, FileInfo $file, array &$cache): bool
foreach ($filters as $filter) {
$res = &$cache[spl_object_id($filter)];
$res ??= $filter($file);
if (!$res) {
return false;
return true;
/** @return array<string, array<object{pattern: string, mode: string, recursive: bool}>> */
private function buildPlan(): array
$plan = $dirCache = [];
foreach ($this->find as [$mask, $mode]) {
$splits = [];
if (FileSystem::isAbsolute($mask)) {
if ($this->in) {
throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("You cannot combine the absolute path in the mask '$mask' and the directory to search '{$this->in[0]}'.");
$splits[] = self::splitRecursivePart($mask);
} else {
foreach ($this->in ?: ['.'] as $in) {
$in = strtr($in, ['[' => '[[]', ']' => '[]]']); // in path, do not treat [ and ] as a pattern by glob()
$splits[] = self::splitRecursivePart($in . '/' . $mask);
foreach ($splits as [$base, $rest, $recursive]) {
$base = $base === '' ? '.' : $base;
$dirs = $dirCache[$base] ??= strpbrk($base, '*?[')
: [strtr($base, ['[[]' => '[', '[]]' => ']'])]; // unescape [ and ]
if (!$dirs) {
throw new Nette\InvalidStateException(sprintf("Directory '%s' does not exist.", rtrim($base, '/\\')));
$search = (object) ['pattern' => $this->buildPattern($rest), 'mode' => $mode, 'recursive' => $recursive];
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
$plan[$dir][] = $search;
return $plan;
* Since glob() does not know ** wildcard, we divide the path into a part for glob and a part for manual traversal.
private static function splitRecursivePart(string $path): array
$a = strrpos($path, '/');
$parts = preg_split('~(?<=^|/)\*\*($|/)~', substr($path, 0, $a + 1), 2);
return isset($parts[1])
? [$parts[0], $parts[1] . substr($path, $a + 1), true]
: [$parts[0], substr($path, $a + 1), false];
* Converts wildcards to regular expression.
private function buildPattern(string $mask): string
if ($mask === '*') {
return '##';
} elseif (str_starts_with($mask, './')) {
$anchor = '^';
$mask = substr($mask, 2);
} else {
$anchor = '(?:^|/)';
$pattern = strtr(
preg_quote($mask, '#'),
'\*\*/' => '(.+/)?',
'\*' => '[^/]*',
'\?' => '[^/]',
'\[\!' => '[^',
'\[' => '[',
'\]' => ']',
'\-' => '-',
return '#' . $anchor . $pattern . '$#D' . (defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD') ? 'i' : '');