Файл resources/lang/en/mailer.php Вес запакованого файла 354b (354 b) Вес распакованого файла: 738b (738 b) Метод сжатия: 8
return [
'restore_password' => 'Restore password',
'follow_link' => 'Or copy manually and follow the link',
'enter_site' => 'Log in to the site',
'activate_account' => 'Activate account',
'activation_code' => 'Activation Code',
'activation_text1' => 'Attention! To confirm the registration, you must enter the code within 24 hours!',
'activation_text2' => 'Enter it after authorization on the site',
'activation_text3' => 'If you don’t confirm the registration within 24 hours, your account will be automatically deleted',
'registration_text1' => 'We hope you enjoy using our portal!',
'registration_text2' => 'If this letter came to you by mistake, then just ignore it',