Файл resources/lang/en/ratings.php Вес запакованого файла 265b (265 b) Вес распакованого файла: 679b (679 b) Метод сжатия: 8
return [
'history' => 'Story',
'votes_received' => 'Received votes',
'votes_gave' => 'Votes cast',
'empty_ratings' => 'There is nothing in history yet!',
'reputation_yourself' => 'It is forbidden to change the reputation of yourself!',
'reputation_point' => 'To change your reputation you need :point!',
'reputation_already_changed' => 'You have already changed the reputation of this user!',
'reputation_positive' => 'You can only reduce your reputation with a positive rating!',
'reputation_success_changed' => 'Reputation successfully changed!',