INSERT INTO `{#}widgets_bind` (`id`, `template_layouts`, `languages`, `widget_id`, `title`, `links`, `class`, `class_title`, `class_wrap`, `is_title`, `is_tab_prev`, `groups_view`, `groups_hide`, `options`, `tpl_body`, `tpl_wrap`, `tpl_wrap_style`, `device_types`, `is_cacheable`) VALUES
(69, NULL, NULL, 21, 'Content Fields', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\n', NULL, '---\nctype_id: 6\nimage_field: picture\nimage_preset: original\nimage_is_parallax: 1\nfields:\n - title\n', 'fields', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
(79, NULL, NULL, 3, 'Bottom Menu', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\n', NULL, '---\nmenu: footer\ntemplate: menu\nclass:\nis_detect: 1\nis_detect_strict: null\nmax_items: 0\nnavbar_color_scheme: navbar-dark\nmenu_nav_style:\nmenu_nav_style_add: flex-md-row justify-content-md-end\nmenu_type: navbar\nnavbar_expand:\nshow_search_form: 0\ntoggler_icon: null\ntoggler_show_sitename: null\nmenu_is_pills: null\nmenu_is_fill:\n', 'menu', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
(86, NULL, NULL, 12, 'Authorization form', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\n', NULL, NULL, 'auth', 'wrapper_plain_indented', NULL, NULL, 1),
(89, NULL, NULL, 11, 'Content Slider', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'mt-3 mt-md-4', NULL, NULL, '---\n', NULL, '---\nctype_id: 10\ncategory_id:\ndataset: 0\nimage_field: photo\nbig_image_field: photo\nbig_image_preset: content_item\nteaser_field: teaser\nteaser_len: 200\ndelay: 5\nlimit: 5\n', 'slider', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
(91, NULL, NULL, 8, 'Who is online', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, '---\n', NULL, '---\nis_avatars: null\ngroups: null\n', 'online', 'wrapper', 'icms-widget__transparent', NULL, 1),
(105, NULL, NULL, 4, 'News', 'All news | news\r\nDiscussed | news-discussed\r\n{Private | news/from_friends}', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, '---\n', NULL, '---\nwidget_type: list\nctype_id: 10\ncategory_id:\ndataset: 0\nrelation_id: 0\nfilter_id: 0\nauto_group: null\nauto_user: null\nlimit: 7\nshow_fields:\n 10:\n photo: 1\n cats: 1\n title: 1\n teaser: null\n content: null\n date_pub: 1\n user: 1\n comments: null\nshow_fields_options:\n 10:\n photo:\n size_teaser: content_list_small\n default_image: null\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n ordering: 1\n cats:\n is_auto_colors: 1\n auto_colors_classes: >\n btn-primary,btn-secondary,btn-success,btn-danger,btn-warning,btn-info,btn-light,btn-dark\n btn_class: btn btn-sm\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n ordering: null\n title:\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n ordering: 3\n teaser:\n teaser_len: 150\n is_autolink: null\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n ordering: null\n content:\n is_html_filter: null\n teaser_len: 0\n teaser_postfix:\n teaser_type:\n show_show_more: null\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n ordering: null\nimage_field:\nteaser_field:\nteaser_len: 0\nshow_details: null\n', 'list_featured', 'wrapper', 'icms-widget__transparent', NULL, 1),
(108, NULL, NULL, 2, 'New users', 'All | users', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, '---\n', NULL, '---\nshow: all\ndataset: latest\nstyle: tiles\nlist_fields: null\ngroups: null\nlimit: 5\n', 'list', 'wrapper', 'icms-widget__transparent', NULL, 1),
(110, NULL, NULL, 4, 'Articles', 'All articles | articles\r\n{Add article | articles/add}', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, '---\n', NULL, '---\nwidget_type: list\nctype_id: 5\ncategory_id:\ndataset: 0\nrelation_id: 0\nfilter_id: 0\nauto_group: null\nlimit: 5\nshow_fields:\n 5:\n title: 1\n kind: null\n source: null\n teaser: 1\n content: null\n featured: null\n notice: null\n parent_news_id: null\n color: null\n date_test: null\n date_pub: 1\n user: 1\n comments: null\nshow_fields_options:\n 5:\n title:\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n kind:\n is_autolink: null\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n source:\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n teaser:\n is_html_filter: null\n teaser_len: 150\n show_show_more: 1\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n content:\n is_html_filter: null\n teaser_len:\n show_show_more: null\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n featured:\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n notice:\n is_html_filter: null\n teaser_len:\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n parent_news_id:\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n color:\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\n date_test:\n show_time: null\n label_in_list: none\n wrap_type: auto\n wrap_width:\nimage_field:\nteaser_field:\nteaser_len:\nshow_details: null\n', 'list', 'wrapper', 'icms-widget__transparent', NULL, 1),
(124, NULL, NULL, 14, 'Contacts', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, '---\n', NULL, '---\ncontent: |\n <ul class=\"list-unstyled mb-0\">\r\n <li class=\"mb-2\">\r\n <span class=\"d-block text-white text-uppercase\">{solid%laptop-house} Address</span>\r\n Russia, Moscow, PO Box 137\r\n </li>\r\n <li class=\"mb-2\">\r\n <span class=\"d-block text-white text-uppercase\">\r\n {solid%phone-alt} Phone\r\n </span>\r\n +7123456789\r\n </li>\r\n <li class=\"mb-2\">\r\n <span class=\"d-block text-white text-uppercase\">\r\n {solid%envelope} Email\r\n </span>\r\n\r\n </li>\r\n <li>\r\n <span class=\"d-block text-white text-uppercase\">\r\n {solid%paper-plane} Telegram\r\n </span>\r\n @instantcms\r\n </li>\r\n </ul>\n', 'html', 'wrapper', 'icms-widget__compact', NULL, 1),
(125, NULL, NULL, 3, 'Menu Items', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, '---\n', NULL, '---\nmenu: footer\ntemplate: menu\nclass:\nis_detect: 1\nis_detect_strict: null\nmax_items: 0\nnavbar_color_scheme: navbar-dark\nmenu_nav_style: flex-column\nmenu_nav_style_add:\nmenu_type: navbar\nnavbar_expand:\nshow_search_form: 0\ntoggler_icon: null\ntoggler_show_sitename: null\nmenu_is_pills: null\nmenu_is_fill:\n', 'menu', 'wrapper', 'icms-widget__compact', NULL, 1),
(126, NULL, NULL, 14, 'Social buttons', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\n', NULL, '---\ncontent: |\n <div class=\"py-2\">\r\n <a class=\"text-light\" href=\"#\">{brands%facebook}</a>\r\n <a class=\"text-light ml-2\" href=\"#\">{brands%github}</a>\r\n <a class=\"text-light ml-2\" href=\"#\">{brands%instagram}</a>\r\n <a class=\"text-light ml-2\" href=\"#\">{brands%odnoklassniki}</a>\r\n <a class=\"text-light ml-2\" href=\"#\">{brands%vk}</a>\r\n <a class=\"text-light ml-2\" href=\"#\">{brands%telegram}</a>\r\n </div>\n', 'html', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
(130, NULL, NULL, 23, 'Author of the entry', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, '---\n', NULL, '---\nshow_fields:\n - nickname\n - avatar\n - birth_date\nshow_user_items_link: 1\nuser_items_link_title: All news by the author\nshow_user_groups: null\nshow_date_log: 1\nshow_date_reg: null\n', 'author', 'wrapper', 'icms-widget__transparent', NULL, 1),
(127, NULL, NULL, 5, 'News categories', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, '---\n', NULL, '---\nctype_name: news\ncover_preset:\nis_root: null\nshow_full_tree: 1\n', 'categories', 'wrapper', 'icms-widget__transparent', NULL, 1);
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(95, 89, 'modern', 1, 1, 'pos_33', 0),
(97, 91, 'modern', 1, 1, 'pos_9', 2),
(111, 105, 'modern', 1, 1, 'pos_8', 2),
(114, 108, 'modern', 1, 1, 'pos_9', 3),
(116, 110, 'modern', 1, 1, 'pos_8', 3),
(130, 124, 'modern', 1, 0, 'pos_38', 0),
(131, 125, 'modern', 1, 0, 'pos_39', 0),
(132, 126, 'modern', 1, 0, 'pos_26', 0),
(136, 130, 'modern', 1, 165, 'pos_9', 0),
(133, 127, 'modern', 1, 164, 'pos_9', 1);