class fieldParent extends cmsFormField {
public $title = LANG_PARSER_PARENT;
public $is_public = false;
public $sql = 'varchar(1024) NULL DEFAULT NULL';
public $allow_index = false;
public $var_type = 'string';
public $filter_type = 'str';
protected $input_action = 'bind';
protected $parent_ctype_name = false;
protected $parent_items = null;
public function getOptions() {
return [
new fieldList('item_style', [
'default' => 'ctype_list',
'items' => [
'ctype_list' => LANG_PARSER_PARENT_STYLE1,
'links_list' => LANG_PARSER_PARENT_STYLE2,
'only_breadcrumbs' => LANG_PARSER_PARENT_STYLE3
public function __construct($name, $options = false) {
parent::__construct($name, $options);
private function setParentContentTypeName() {
if ($this->name) {
preg_match('/parent_([a-z0-9\-\_]+)_id/i', $this->name, $matches);
if (!empty($matches[1])) {
$this->parent_ctype_name = $matches[1];
return $this;
public function setItem($item) {
if (!empty($item['ctype']['name'])) {
$this->item['ctype_name'] = $item['ctype']['name'];
return $this;
public function getStringValue($value) {
if (!$value) {
return '';
$parent_items = $this->getParentItems();
if (!$parent_items) {
return '';
$result = [];
foreach ($parent_items as $parent_item) {
$result[] = $parent_item['title'];
return $result ? implode(', ', $result) : '';
public function parseTeaser($value) {
if (!$value) {
return '';
$parent_items = $this->getParentItems(false);
if (!$parent_items) {
return '';
$result = [];
foreach ($parent_items as $parent_item) {
$parent_url = href_to($this->parent_ctype_name, $parent_item['slug'] . '.html');
$result[] = '<a href="' . $parent_url . '">' . $parent_item['title'] . '</a>';
return $result ? implode(', ', $result) : '';
public function parse($value) {
if (!$value) {
return '';
if ($this->getOption('item_style', 'ctype_list') === 'links_list') {
return $this->parseTeaser($value);
if (!$this->parent_ctype_name) {
return '';
if (empty($this->item['id'])) {
return '';
$controller = cmsCore::getController('content', $this->request);
$ctypes = $controller->model->getContentTypes();
$parent_ctype = $child_ctype = false;
foreach ($ctypes as $ctype) {
if ($ctype['name'] === $this->parent_ctype_name) {
$parent_ctype = $ctype;
if ($ctype['name'] === $this->item['ctype_name']) {
$child_ctype = $ctype;
if (!$parent_ctype) {
return '';
if (!$child_ctype) {
if (cmsController::enabled($this->item['ctype_name'])) {
$child_ctype = [
'name' => $this->item['ctype_name'],
'controller' => $this->item['ctype_name'],
'id' => null
} else {
return '';
} else {
$child_ctype['controller'] = 'content';
if ($this->getOption('item_style') === 'only_breadcrumbs') {
return $this->addBreadcrumb($value, $parent_ctype, $child_ctype, $controller);
$filter = "r.parent_ctype_id = {$parent_ctype['id']} AND " .
"r.child_item_id = {$this->item['id']} AND " .
'r.child_ctype_id ' . ($child_ctype['id'] ? '=' . $child_ctype['id'] : 'IS NULL' ) . ' AND ' .
"r.parent_item_id = i.id AND r.target_controller = '{$child_ctype['controller']}'";
$controller->model->join('content_relations_bind', 'r', $filter);
$parent_ctype['options']['limit'] = 0;
return $controller->renderItemsList($parent_ctype, '', true);
private function addBreadcrumb($value, $parent_ctype, $child_ctype, $controller) {
$template = cmsTemplate::getInstance();
$template->addBreadcrumb($parent_ctype['title'], href_to($parent_ctype['name']));
$parent_item = $controller->model->selectOnly('title')->select('slug')->
if ($parent_item) {
$template->addBreadcrumb($parent_item['title'], href_to($parent_ctype['name'], $parent_item['slug'] . '.html'));
filterEqual('ctype_id', $parent_ctype['id'])->
filterEqual('child_ctype_id', $child_ctype['id'])->
filterEqual('target_controller', $child_ctype['controller']);
$relation = $controller->model->getItem('content_relations');
if ($relation && $relation['layout'] === 'tab') {
$template->addBreadcrumb($relation['title'], href_to($parent_ctype['name'], $parent_item['slug'], ['view-'.$child_ctype['name']]));
return '';
public function getInput($value) {
if (!$this->parent_ctype_name) {
return '';
$parent_ctype = cmsCore::getModel('content')->getContentTypeByName($this->parent_ctype_name);
if (!$parent_ctype) {
return '';
$this->title = $this->element_title;
$parent_items = false;
$auth_user_id = cmsUser::get('id');
$author_id = isset($this->item['user_id']) ? $this->item['user_id'] : $auth_user_id;
if ($value) {
$parent_items = $this->getParentItemsByIds($value);
} else {
$parent_items = $this->getParentItems();
$perm = cmsUser::getPermissionValue($this->item['ctype_name'], 'bind_to_parent');
$is_allowed_to_bind = ($perm && (
($perm === 'all_to_all') || ($perm === 'all_to_own') || ($perm === 'all_to_other') ||
($perm === 'own_to_all' && $author_id == $auth_user_id) ||
($perm === 'own_to_other' && $author_id == $auth_user_id) ||
($perm === 'own_to_own' && $author_id == $auth_user_id) ||
($perm === 'other_to_own' && $author_id != $auth_user_id) ||
($perm === 'other_to_other' && $author_id != $auth_user_id) ||
($perm === 'other_to_all' && $author_id != $auth_user_id)
)) || cmsUser::isAdmin();
$allowed_to_unbind_perm = cmsUser::getPermissionValue($this->item['ctype_name'], 'bind_off_parent');
if (cmsUser::isAdmin()) {
$allowed_to_unbind_perm = 'all';
if (!$parent_items && !$is_allowed_to_bind) {
return '';
return cmsTemplate::getInstance()->renderFormField($this->class, [
'ctype_name' => $this->parent_ctype_name,
'child_ctype_name' => $this->item ? $this->item['ctype_name'] : false,
'parent_ctype' => $parent_ctype,
'field' => $this,
'input_action' => $this->input_action,
'value' => $value,
'field_item' => $this->item,
'items' => $parent_items,
'auth_user_id' => $auth_user_id,
'allowed_to_unbind_perm' => $allowed_to_unbind_perm,
'is_allowed_to_bind' => $is_allowed_to_bind
public function getFilterInput($value) {
if (!$this->show_filter_input_title) {
$this->title = false;
$this->input_action = 'select';
if ($value) {
$parent_items = $this->getParentItemsByIds($value);
} else {
$parent_items = [];
$parent_ctype = [];
$parent_ctype = cmsCore::getModel('content')->getContentTypeByName($this->parent_ctype_name);
return cmsTemplate::getInstance()->renderFormField($this->class, [
'ctype_name' => $this->parent_ctype_name,
'child_ctype_name' => $this->item ? $this->item['ctype_name'] : false,
'parent_ctype' => $parent_ctype,
'field' => $this,
'input_action' => $this->input_action,
'value' => $value,
'field_item' => [],
'items' => $parent_items,
'auth_user_id' => cmsUser::get('id'),
'allowed_to_unbind_perm' => true,
'is_allowed_to_bind' => true
public function applyFilter($model, $values) {
$ids = $this->idsStringToArray($values);
if (!$ids) {
return parent::applyFilter($model, $values);
$alias_name = 'rr_' . $this->name;
$model->joinInner('content_relations_bind', $alias_name, $alias_name . '.child_item_id = i.id AND ' . $alias_name . '.child_ctype_id ' . ($this->ctype_id ? '=' . $this->ctype_id : 'IS NULL'));
return $model->filterIn($alias_name . '.parent_item_id', $ids);
private function idsStringToArray($ids_list) {
$ids = [];
if (!$ids_list) {
return $ids;
foreach (explode(',', $ids_list) as $id) {
if (!is_numeric($id)) {
$ids[] = trim($id);
return $ids;
private function getParentItemsByIds($ids_list) {
$ids = $this->idsStringToArray($ids_list);
if (!$ids) {
return false;
$content_model = cmsCore::getModel('content');
$content_model->filterIn('id', $ids);
return $content_model->getContentItems($this->parent_ctype_name);
private function getParentItems($store_result = true) {
if ($this->parent_items !== null) {
return $this->parent_items;
if (!$this->parent_ctype_name) {
return false;
if (empty($this->item['id'])) {
return false;
$content_model = cmsCore::getModel('content');
$ctypes = $content_model->getContentTypes();
$parent_ctype = $child_ctype = false;
foreach ($ctypes as $ctype) {
if ($ctype['name'] === $this->parent_ctype_name) {
$parent_ctype = $ctype;
if ($ctype['name'] === $this->item['ctype_name']) {
$child_ctype = $ctype;
if (!$parent_ctype) {
return false;
if (!$child_ctype) {
if (cmsController::enabled($this->item['ctype_name'])) {
$child_ctype = [
'name' => $this->item['ctype_name'],
'controller' => $this->item['ctype_name'],
'id' => null
} else {
return false;
} else {
$child_ctype['controller'] = 'content';
$filter = "r.parent_ctype_id = {$parent_ctype['id']} AND " .
"r.child_item_id = {$this->item['id']} AND " .
'r.child_ctype_id ' . ($child_ctype['id'] ? '=' . $child_ctype['id'] : 'IS NULL' ) . ' AND ' .
"r.parent_item_id = i.id AND r.target_controller = '{$child_ctype['controller']}'";
$content_model->join('content_relations_bind', 'r', $filter);
$items = $content_model->selectList([
'i.id' => 'id',
'i.user_id' => 'user_id',
'i.title' => 'title',
'i.slug' => 'slug'
], true, $content_model->getContentTypeTableName($this->parent_ctype_name))->getContentItems($this->parent_ctype_name);
if ($items) {
foreach ($items as $id => $item) {
$items[$id]['ctype_name'] = $this->parent_ctype_name;
if ($store_result) {
$this->parent_items = $items;
return $items;
public function store($value, $is_submitted, $old_value = null) {
$ids = $this->idsStringToArray($value);
if (!$ids) {
return null;
$value = implode(',', $ids);
return parent::store($value, $is_submitted, $old_value);