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$game1 = rand(25,35);
$game2 = rand(10,15);
$game3 = rand(12,23);
$game4 = rand(15,66);
$game5 = rand(10,56);
$game6 = rand(11,25);
$game7 = rand(10,15);
$game8 = rand(25,35);
$game9 = rand(10,45);
$game10 = rand(10,29);
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<div class="home-header__text">Beeze Original Games</div></div>
<div style="margin-left: 1rem;">
<div id="gameses" class="game_shape12 blackz " style="float: left;">
<a href="/dice" class="mode-block scale1" style="">
<img class="" src="/extra/indexprop/Dice.png" style="max-width: 100%;max-height: 100%;" height="" alt="">
<div class="games_Online__pysYz" style="margin-left: 78%;"><i class="fa fa-user" aria-hidden="true"></i>⠀<?echo $game1?></div>
<div id="gameses" class="game_shape12 blackz " style="float: left;">
<a href="/x50" class="mode-block scale1" style="">
<img class="" src="/extra/indexprop/x50.png" style="max-width: 100%;max-height: 100%;" height="" alt="">
<div class="games_Online__pysYz" style="margin-left: 78%;"><i class="fa fa-user" aria-hidden="true"></i>⠀<?echo $gamew?></div>
</div> \
<div id="gameses"class="game_shape12 blackz" style="float: left;">
<a href="/bubbles" class="mode-block scale1">
<img src="/extra/indexprop/Bubbles.png" style="max-width: 100%;max-height: 100%;" alt="">
<div class="games_Online__pysYz" style="margin-left: 78%;"><i class="fa fa-user" aria-hidden="true"></i>⠀<?echo $game8?></div>
<div id="gameses"class="game_shape12 blackz" style="float: left;">
<a href="/mines" class="mode-block scale1">
<img src="/extra/indexprop/Mines.png" style="max-width: 100%;max-height: 100%;" alt="">
<div class="games_Online__pysYz" style="margin-left: 78%;"><i class="fa fa-user" aria-hidden="true"></i>⠀<?echo $game3?></div>
<div id="bonuses22">
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<div class="home-header__text">Live Games</div></div>
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<div id="gameses" class="game_shape12 blackz " style="float: left; height: 150px;">
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<div id="gameses" class="game_shape12 blackz " style="float: left; height: 150px;">
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<div id="gameses" class="game_shape12 blackz " style="float: left; height: 150px;">
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