!function(e) {
e(["jquery"], function(e) {
return function() {
function t(e, t, n) {
return g({
type: O.error,
iconClass: m().iconClasses.error,
message: e,
optionsOverride: n,
title: t
function n(t, n) {
return t || (t = m()),
v = e("#" + t.containerId),
v.length ? v : (n && (v = d(t)),
function o(e, t, n) {
return g({
type: O.info,
iconClass: m().iconClasses.info,
message: e,
optionsOverride: n,
title: t
function s(e) {
C = e
function i(e, t, n) {
return g({
type: O.success,
iconClass: m().iconClasses.success,
message: e,
optionsOverride: n,
title: t
function a(e, t, n) {
return g({
type: O.warning,
iconClass: m().iconClasses.warning,
message: e,
optionsOverride: n,
title: t
function r(e, t) {
var o = m();
v || n(o),
u(e, o, t) || l(o)
function c(t) {
var o = m();
return v || n(o),
t && 0 === e(":focus", t).length ? void h(t) : void (v.children().length && v.remove())
function l(t) {
for (var n = v.children(), o = n.length - 1; o >= 0; o--)
u(e(n[o]), t)
function u(t, n, o) {
var s = !(!o || !o.force) && o.force;
return !(!t || !s && 0 !== e(":focus", t).length) && (t[n.hideMethod]({
duration: n.hideDuration,
easing: n.hideEasing,
complete: function() {
function d(t) {
return v = e("<div/>").attr("id", t.containerId).addClass(t.positionClass),
function p() {
return {
tapToDismiss: !0,
toastClass: "toast",
containerId: "toast-container",
debug: !1,
showMethod: "fadeIn",
showDuration: 300,
showEasing: "swing",
onShown: void 0,
hideMethod: "fadeOut",
hideDuration: 1e3,
hideEasing: "swing",
onHidden: void 0,
closeMethod: !1,
closeDuration: !1,
closeEasing: !1,
closeOnHover: !0,
extendedTimeOut: 1e3,
iconClasses: {
error: "toast-error",
info: "toast-info",
success: "toast-success",
warning: "toast-warning"
iconClass: "toast-info",
positionClass: "toast-bottom-left",
timeOut: 1300,
titleClass: "toast-title",
messageClass: "toast-message",
escapeHtml: !1,
target: "body",
closeHtml: '<button type="button">×</button>',
closeClass: "toast-close-button",
newestOnTop: !0,
preventDuplicates: !1,
progressBar: !1,
progressClass: "toast-progress",
rtl: !1
function f(e) {
C && C(e)
function g(t) {
function o(e) {
return null == e && (e = ""),
e.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">")
function s() {
function i() {
var e = "";
switch (t.iconClass) {
case "toast-success":
case "toast-info":
e = "polite";
e = "assertive"
I.attr("aria-live", e)
function a() {
E.closeOnHover && I.hover(H, D),
!E.onclick && E.tapToDismiss && I.click(b),
E.closeButton && j && j.click(function(e) {
e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : void 0 !== e.cancelBubble && e.cancelBubble !== !0 && (e.cancelBubble = !0),
E.onCloseClick && E.onCloseClick(e),
E.onclick && I.click(function(e) {
function r() {
duration: E.showDuration,
easing: E.showEasing,
complete: E.onShown
E.timeOut > 0 && (k = setTimeout(b, E.timeOut),
F.maxHideTime = parseFloat(E.timeOut),
F.hideEta = (new Date).getTime() + F.maxHideTime,
E.progressBar && (F.intervalId = setInterval(x, 10)))
function c() {
t.iconClass && I.addClass(E.toastClass).addClass(y)
function l() {
E.newestOnTop ? v.prepend(I) : v.append(I)
function u() {
if (t.title) {
var e = t.title;
E.escapeHtml && (e = o(t.title)),
function d() {
if (t.message) {
var e = t.message;
E.escapeHtml && (e = o(t.message)),
function p() {
E.closeButton && (j.addClass(E.closeClass).attr("role", "button"),
function g() {
E.progressBar && (q.addClass(E.progressClass),
function C() {
E.rtl && I.addClass("rtl")
function O(e, t) {
if (e.preventDuplicates) {
if (t.message === w)
return !0;
w = t.message
return !1
function b(t) {
var n = t && E.closeMethod !== !1 ? E.closeMethod : E.hideMethod
, o = t && E.closeDuration !== !1 ? E.closeDuration : E.hideDuration
, s = t && E.closeEasing !== !1 ? E.closeEasing : E.hideEasing;
if (!e(":focus", I).length || t)
return clearTimeout(F.intervalId),
duration: o,
easing: s,
complete: function() {
E.onHidden && "hidden" !== P.state && E.onHidden(),
P.state = "hidden",
P.endTime = new Date,
function D() {
(E.timeOut > 0 || E.extendedTimeOut > 0) && (k = setTimeout(b, E.extendedTimeOut),
F.maxHideTime = parseFloat(E.extendedTimeOut),
F.hideEta = (new Date).getTime() + F.maxHideTime)
function H() {
F.hideEta = 0,
I.stop(!0, !0)[E.showMethod]({
duration: E.showDuration,
easing: E.showEasing
function x() {
var e = (F.hideEta - (new Date).getTime()) / F.maxHideTime * 100;
q.width(e + "%")
var E = m()
, y = t.iconClass || E.iconClass;
if ("undefined" != typeof t.optionsOverride && (E = e.extend(E, t.optionsOverride),
y = t.optionsOverride.iconClass || y),
!O(E, t)) {
v = n(E, !0);
var k = null
, I = e("<div/>")
, M = e("<div/>")
, B = e("<div/>")
, q = e("<div/>")
, j = e(E.closeHtml)
, F = {
intervalId: null,
hideEta: null,
maxHideTime: null
, P = {
toastId: T,
state: "visible",
startTime: new Date,
options: E,
map: t
return s(),
E.debug && console && console.log(P),
function m() {
return e.extend({}, p(), b.options)
function h(e) {
v || (v = n()),
e.is(":visible") || (e.remove(),
e = null,
0 === v.children().length && (v.remove(),
w = void 0))
var v, C, w, T = 0, O = {
error: "error",
info: "info",
success: "success",
warning: "warning"
}, b = {
clear: r,
remove: c,
error: t,
getContainer: n,
info: o,
options: {},
subscribe: s,
success: i,
version: "2.1.4",
warning: a
return b
}("function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define : function(e, t) {
"undefined" != typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = t(require("jquery")) : window.toastr = t(window.jQuery)
//# sourceMappingURL=toastr.js.map
$(".circle" ).click(function()
if($(this).attr('data-select') == 2)
if($(this).attr('data-select') == 3)
if($(this).attr('data-select') == 5)
if($(this).attr('data-select') == 10)
if($(this).attr('data-select') == 24)
$('.circle').css('color', '#000');
$(this).css('color', '#fff');
/*! Template: TokenWiz v1.0.3 */ ! function (e) {
"use strict";
var t = e(window),
a = e("body"),
o = e(document);
function i() {
return t.width()
"ontouchstart" in document.documentElement || a.addClass("no-touch");
var n = i();
t.on("resize", function () {
n = i()
var l = e(".is-sticky"),
r = e(".topbar"),
s = e(".topbar-wrap");
if (l.length > 0) {
var c = l.offset();
t.scroll(function () {
var e = t.scrollTop(),
a = r.height();
e > c.top ? l.hasClass("has-fixed") || (l.addClass("has-fixed"), s.css("padding-top", a)) : l.hasClass("has-fixed") && (l.removeClass("has-fixed"), s.css("padding-top", 0))
var d = e("[data-percent]");
d.length > 0 && d.each(function () {
var t = e(this),
a = t.data("percent");
t.css("width", a + "%")
var p = window.location.href,
g = p.split("#"),
h = e("a");
h.length > 0 && h.each(function () {
p === this.href && "" !== g[1] && e(this).closest("li").addClass("active").parent().closest("li").addClass("active")
var f = e(".countdown-clock");
f.length > 0 && f.each(function () {
var t = e(this),
a = t.attr("data-date");
t.countdown(a).on("update.countdown", function (t) {
e(this).html(t.strftime('<div><span class="countdown-time countdown-time-first">%D</span><span class="countdown-text">Day</span></div><div><span class="countdown-time">%H</span><span class="countdown-text">Hour</span></div><div><span class="countdown-time">%M</span><span class="countdown-text">Min</span></div><div><span class="countdown-time countdown-time-last">%S</span><span class="countdown-text">Sec</span></div>'))
var u = e(".select");
u.length > 0 && u.each(function () {
theme: "flat"
var v = e(".select-bordered");
v.length > 0 && v.each(function () {
theme: "flat bordered"
var m = ".toggle-tigger",
b = ".toggle-class";
e(m).length > 0 && o.on("click", m, function (t) {
var a = e(this);
e(m).not(a).removeClass("active"), e(b).not(a.parent().children()).removeClass("active"), a.toggleClass("active").parent().find(b).toggleClass("active"), t.preventDefault()
}), o.on("click", "body", function (t) {
var a = e(m),
o = e(b);
o.is(t.target) || 0 !== o.has(t.target).length || a.is(t.target) || 0 !== a.has(t.target).length || (o.removeClass("active"), a.removeClass("active"))
var y = e(".toggle-nav"),
x = e(".navbar");
function C(e) {
n < 991 ? e.delay(500).addClass("navbar-mobile") : e.delay(500).removeClass("navbar-mobile")
y.length > 0 && y.on("click", function (e) {
y.toggleClass("active"), x.toggleClass("active"), e.preventDefault()
}), o.on("click", "body", function (e) {
y.is(e.target) || 0 !== y.has(e.target).length || x.is(e.target) || 0 !== x.has(e.target).length || (y.removeClass("active"), x.removeClass("active"))
}), C(x), t.on("resize", function () {
var k = e('[data-toggle="tooltip"]');
k.length > 0 && k.tooltip(), a.append(''), e(".demo-toggle").on("click", function () {
var w = e(".color-trigger");
w.length > 0 && w.on("click", function () {
var t = e(this).attr("title");
return e("body").fadeOut(function () {
e("#layoutstyle").attr("href", "assets/css/" + t + ".css"), e(this).delay(150).fadeIn()
}), !1
var T = e(".date-picker"),
S = e(".date-picker-dob"),
_ = e(".time-picker");
function D(t, a) {
"success" === a ? e(t).parent().find(".copy-feedback").text("Copied to Clipboard").fadeIn().delay(1e3).fadeOut() : e(t).parent().find(".copy-feedback").text("Faild to Copy").fadeIn().delay(1e3).fadeOut()
T.length > 0 && T.each(function () {
format: "mm/dd/yyyy",
maxViewMode: 2,
clearBtn: !0,
autoclose: !0,
todayHighlight: !0
}), S.length > 0 && S.each(function () {
format: "mm/dd/yyyy",
startView: 2,
maxViewMode: 2,
clearBtn: !0,
autoclose: !0
}), _.length > 0 && _.each(function () {
e(this).parent().addClass("has-timepicker"), e(this).timepicker({
timeFormat: "HH:mm",
interval: 15
}), new ClipboardJS(".copy-clipboard").on("success", function (e) {
D(e.trigger, "success"), e.clearSelection()
}).on("error", function (e) {
D(e.trigger, "fail")
}), new ClipboardJS(".copy-clipboard-modal", {
container: document.querySelector(".modal")
}).on("success", function (e) {
D(e.trigger, "success"), e.clearSelection()
}).on("error", function (e) {
D(e.trigger, "fail")
var z = e(".input-file");
z.length > 0 && z.each(function () {
var t = e(this),
a = e(this).next(),
o = e(this).next().text();
t.on("change", function () {
var e = t.val();
a.html(e), a.is(":empty") && a.html(o)
var L = e(".upload-zone");
L.length > 0 && (Dropzone.autoDiscover = !1, L.each(function () {
url: "/images"
var P = e(".image-popup");
P.length > 0 && P.magnificPopup({
type: "image",
preloader: !0,
removalDelay: 400,
mainClass: "mfp-fade"
var A = e(".dt-init");
A.length > 0 && A.DataTable({
ordering: !1,
autoWidth: !1,
dom: '<t><"row align-items-center"<"col-sm-6 text-left"p><"col-sm-6 text-sm-right"i>>',
pageLength: 5,
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iDisplayLength: 5,
language: {
search: "",
searchPlaceholder: "Type in to Search",
info: "_START_ -_END_ of _TOTAL_",
infoEmpty: "No records",
infoFiltered: "( Total _MAX_ )",
paginate: {
first: "First",
last: "Last",
next: "Next",
previous: "Prev"
var F = e(".dt-filter-init");
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ordering: !1,
autoWidth: !1,
dom: '<"row justify-content-between pdb-1x"<"col-9 col-sm-6 text-left"f><"col-3 text-right"<"data-table-filter relative d-inline-block">>><t><"row align-items-center"<"col-sm-6 text-left"p><"col-sm-6 text-sm-right"i>>',
pageLength: 6,
bPaginate: e(".data-table tbody tr").length > 6,
iDisplayLength: 6,
language: {
search: "",
searchPlaceholder: "Type in to Search",
info: "_START_ -_END_ of _TOTAL_",
infoEmpty: "No records",
infoFiltered: "( Total _MAX_ )",
paginate: {
first: "First",
last: "Last",
next: "Next",
previous: "Prev"
e(".data-table-filter").append('<a href="#" class="btn btn-light-alt btn-xs btn-icon toggle-tigger"> <em class="ti ti-settings"></em> </a><div class="toggle-class toggle-datatable-filter dropdown-content dropdown-content-top-left text-left"><ul class="pdt-1x pdb-1x"><li class="pd-1x pdl-2x pdr-2x"> <input class="data-filter input-checkbox input-checkbox-sm" type="radio" name="filter" id="all" checked value=""> <label for="all">All</label></li><li class="pd-1x pdl-2x pdr-2x"> <input class="data-filter input-checkbox input-checkbox-sm" type="radio" name="filter" id="approved" value="approved"> <label for="approved">Approved</label></li><li class="pd-1x pdl-2x pdr-2x"> <input class="data-filter input-checkbox input-checkbox-sm" type="radio" name="filter" value="pending" id="pending"> <label for="pending">Pending</label></li><li class="pd-1x pdl-2x pdr-2x"> <input class="data-filter input-checkbox input-checkbox-sm" type="radio" name="filter" value="progress" id="progress"> <label for="progress">Progress</label></li><li class="pd-1x pdl-2x pdr-2x"> <input class="data-filter input-checkbox input-checkbox-sm" type="radio" name="filter" value="cancled" id="cancled"> <label for="cancled">Cancled</label></li></ul></div>'), e(".data-filter").on("change", function () {
var t = e(this).val();
O.columns(".dt-tnxno").search(t || "", !0, !1).draw()
var B = "tknSale";
if (e("#" + B).length > 0) {
var H = document.getElementById(B).getContext("2d");
new Chart(H, {
type: "line",
data: {
labels: ["01 Oct", "02 Oct", "03 Oct", "04 Oct", "05 Oct", "06 Oct", "07 Oct"],
datasets: [{
label: "",
tension: .4,
backgroundColor: "transparent",
borderColor: "#2c80ff",
pointBorderColor: "#2c80ff",
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pointHoverBorderWidth: 2,
pointRadius: 6,
pointHitRadius: 6,
data: [110, 80, 125, 55, 95, 75, 90]
options: {
legend: {
display: !1
maintainAspectRatio: !1,
tooltips: {
callbacks: {
title: function (e, t) {
return "Date : " + t.labels[e[0].index]
label: function (e, t) {
return t.datasets[0].data[e.index] + " Tokens"
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fontSize: 12,
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color: "transparent",
tickMarkLength: 20,
zeroLineColor: "#e5ecf8"
e(".modal").on("shown.bs.modal", function () {
a.hasClass("modal-open") || a.addClass("modal-open")
var M = e(".drop-toggle");
M.length > 0 && M.on("click", function (a) {
t.width() < 991 && (e(this).parent().children(".navbar-dropdown").slideToggle(400), e(this).parent().siblings().children(".navbar-dropdown").slideUp(400), e(this).parent().toggleClass("current"), e(this).parent().siblings().removeClass("current"), a.preventDefault())
var N = e(".form-validate");
N.length > 0 && N.each(function () {
var E = e(".wizard-wrap").show();
headerTag: ".wizard-head",
bodyTag: ".wizard-content",
labels: {
finish: "Submit",
next: "Next",
previous: "Prev",
loading: "Loading ..."
onStepChanging: function (e, t, a) {
return t > a || (t < a && (E.find(".body:eq(" + a + ") label.error").remove(), E.find(".body:eq(" + a + ") .error").removeClass("error")), E.validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled,:hidden", E.valid())
onFinishing: function (e, t) {
return E.validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled", E.valid()
onFinished: function (e, t) {
window.location.href = "thank-you.html"
errorPlacement: function (e, t) {
* wnoty.js v0.1
* https://qcode.site
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
!(function($, win, doc) {
"use strict";
var _doc = $(doc),
_win = $(win),
wnoty = doc.createElement("div"),
notify = "wnoty",
_notify = "#",
error = function(e) {
throw "error: Cannot Notify => " + e;
warn = function(l) {
(console.warn == "undefiend") ? console.log("Notify Warning: " + l) : console.warn("Notify Warning: " + l);
in_array = function(array, value) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] === value) return true;
return false;
PrefixedEvent = function(element, type, callback) {
var pfx = ["webkit", "moz", "MS", "o", ""];
for (var p = 0; p < pfx.length; p++) {
if (!pfx[p]) type = type.toLowerCase();
_doc.on(pfx[p] + type, element, callback);
closeNotify = function(button) {
button.parents("." + notify + "-notification").removeClass("" + notify + "-show");
setTimeout(function() {
button.parents("." + notify + "-notification").addClass("" + notify + "-hide")
}, 25);
initialize = function(set) {
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text = doc.createElement("p"),
close = doc.createElement("span");
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var g = g;
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icon.className = notify + "-icon fa fa-check-circle";
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icon.className = notify + "-icon fa fa-exclamation-triangle";
} else if(set.type == "info") {
icon.className = notify + "-icon fas fa-info-circle";
close.className = "wnoty-close";
text.innerHTML = set.message;
$("." + notify + "-notification").removeClass("wnoty-show");
$("#leight-" + g).addClass("wnoty-show");
if (set.autohide == true) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, set.autohideDelay)
$.wnoty = function(options) {
var positions = ["top-left", "bottom-left", "top-right", "bottom-right"],
types = ["error", "success", "warning", "info"],
defaults = {
position: positions[2]
}, settings = {
message: "",
type: "",
autohide: true,
autohideDelay: 2500,
position: positions[2],
$.extend(settings, options);
if(settings.type == "" && !settings.type.length) error("Type is not defined!");
if(!in_array(types, settings.type)) error("Uhh, invalid notify type!");
if(settings.message == "" && !settings.message.length) error("Hmmm, Message seems to be empty or not defined!");
if(!in_array(positions, settings.position)) {
warn("Oh, Invalid position switching to default!");
settings.position = defaults.position;
if($("." + notify + "-notification").length >= 10) {
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PrefixedEvent($("." + notify + "-notification"), "AnimationEnd", function() {
_doc.on("click", ".wnoty-close", function() {
})(window.jQuery, window, document)
function updateBalance(start, end) {
var el = document.getElementById("userBalance");
od = new Odometer({ el: el, value: start });
$('#userBalance').attr("myBalance", end)
function updateBalanceMobile(start, end) {
var el = document.getElementById("userBalanceMobile");
od = new Odometer({ el: el, value: start });
$('#userBalanceMobile').attr("myBalance", end)
function createGameMines() {
type: "POST",
url: "action.php",
beforeSend: function () {
data: { type: "createGameMines", sid: Cookies.get("sid"), bomb: $(".js-range-slider").val(), amount: $("#minesAmount").val() },
success: function (data) {
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
if ("error" in obj) {
return $("#errorMines").html(obj.error.text);
'<div class="d-flex justify-content-center "><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),1)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),2)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),3)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),4)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),5)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),6)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),7)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),8)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),9)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),10)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),11)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),12)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),13)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),14)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),15)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),16)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),17)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),18)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),19)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),20)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),21)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),22)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),23)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),24)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),25)"></div></div>'
$("#userBalance").attr("myBalance", obj.success.new_balance);
updateBalance(parseInt($("#userBalance").html()), obj.success.new_balance);
updateBalanceMobile(parseInt($("#userBalanceMobile").html()), obj.success.new_balance);
$("#buttonFinishMines").html("Выберите ячейку");
function getRandomMine() {
var list = document.getElementsByClassName("mines-sq");
var item = list[3].click();
function finishMines() {
type: "POST",
url: "action.php",
beforeSend: function () {
data: { type: "finishMines", sid: Cookies.get("sid") },
success: function (data) {
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
if ("success" in obj) {
$("#userBalance").attr("myBalance", obj.success.new_balance);
updateBalance(parseInt($("#userBalance").html()), obj.success.new_balance);
updateBalanceMobile(parseInt($("#userBalanceMobile").html()), obj.success.new_balance);
'<div class="d-flex justify-content-center "><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),1)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),2)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),3)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),4)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),5)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),6)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),7)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),8)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),9)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),10)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),11)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),12)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),13)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),14)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),15)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),16)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),17)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),18)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),19)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),20)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),21)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),22)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),23)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),24)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),25)"></div></div>'
function chGameMines(that, id) {
type: "POST",
url: "action.php",
beforeSend: function () {
$(that).html('<div role="status" style="color:#dbe0e9" class="spinner-grow-sm spinner-grow mg-t-25"><span class="sr-only">Loading...</span></div>');
data: { type: "chGameMines", sid: Cookies.get("sid"), id: id },
success: function (data) {
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
if ("win" in obj) {
.html("Забрать <u>" + obj.win.finish_amount + "</u>");
.html("Забрать <u>" + obj.win.finish_amount + "</u>");
if (obj.win.nsl == 1) {
if (obj.win.finish == 1) {
$("#userBalance").attr("myBalance", obj.win.new_balance);
updateBalance(parseInt($("#userBalance").html()), obj.win.new_balance);
updateBalanceMobile(parseInt($("#userBalanceMobile").html()), obj.win.new_balance);
'<div class="d-flex justify-content-center "><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),1)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),2)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),3)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),4)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),5)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),6)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),7)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),8)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),9)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),10)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),11)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),12)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),13)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),14)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),15)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),16)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),17)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),18)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),19)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),20)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),21)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),22)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),23)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),24)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),25)"></div></div>'
if ("lose" in obj) {
$("#checkBet").attr("gameid", obj.lose.check_bet);
function betMin() {
var nwin = $("#MinRange").html();
var win = ((100 / $("#diceGamePercent").val()) * $("#diceGameAmount").val()).toFixed(2);
var sum = $("#diceGameAmount").val();
var coef = win - sum;
type: "POST",
url: "../action.php",
beforeSend: function () {
$("#betLoad").css("display", "");
$("#error_bet").css("display", "none");
$("#succes_bet").css("display", "none");
data: {
type: "minbet",
win: coef,
sum: sum,
nwin: nwin,
per: $("#diceGamePercent").val(),
success: function (data) {
$("#betLoad").css("display", "none");
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
if (obj.success == "success") {
$("#error_bet").css("display", "none");
$("#succes_bet").html("Выиграли " + obj.fullwin + "");
$("#hashBet").fadeOut("slow", function () {
$("#hashBet").fadeIn("slow", function () {});
} else {
$("#succes_bet").css("display", "none");
$("#hashBet").fadeOut("slow", function () {
$("#hashBet").fadeIn("slow", function () {});
return $("#error_bet").css("display", "");
function betMax() {
var nwin = $("#MaxRange").html();
var win = ((100 / $("#diceGamePercent").val()) * $("#diceGameAmount").val()).toFixed(2);
var sum = $("#diceGameAmount").val();
var coef = win - sum;
type: "POST",
url: "../action.php",
beforeSend: function () {
$("#betLoad").css("display", "");
$("#error_bet").css("display", "none");
$("#succes_bet").css("display", "none");
data: {
type: "maxbet",
win: coef,
sum: sum,
nwin: nwin,
per: $("#diceGamePercent").val(),
success: function (data) {
$("#betLoad").css("display", "none");
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
if (obj.success == "success") {
$("#error_bet").css("display", "none");
$("#succes_bet").html("Выиграли " + obj.fullwin + "");
$("#hashBet").fadeOut("slow", function () {
$("#hashBet").fadeIn("slow", function () {});
return $("#succes_bet").css("display", "");
} else {
$("#succes_bet").css("display", "none");
$("#hashBet").fadeOut("slow", function () {
$("#hashBet").fadeIn("slow", function () {});
return $("#error_bet").css("display", "");
function bet(type) {
if ($("#userBalance").html() < $("#diceGameAmount").val()) {
$("#error_bet").html("Недостаточно средств");
return $("#error_bet").show();
if ($("#diceGamePercent").val() > 95 || $("#diceGamePercent").val() < 1) {
$("#error_bet").html("% Шанс от 1 до 95");
return $("#error_bet").show();
type: "POST",
url: "action.php",
beforeSend: function () {
$("#checkBet").css("display", "none");
$("#error_bet").css("display", "none");
$("#succes_bet").css("display", "none");
$("#betLoad").css("display", "");
$("#buttonMax").css("pointer-events", "none");
$("#buttonMin").css("pointer-events", "none");
data: { type: type, betSize: $("#diceGameAmount").val(), betPercent: $("#diceGamePercent").val(), sid: Cookies.get("sid"), hid: Cookies.get("hid") },
success: function (data) {
$("#buttonMax").css("pointer-events", "");
$("#buttonMin").css("pointer-events", "");
$("#betLoad").css("display", "none");
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
if ("success" in obj) {
if (obj.success.type == "win") {
$("#succes_bet").css("display", "");
$("#succes_bet").html("Выиграли " + obj.success.profit);
if (obj.success.type == "lose") {
$("#checkBet").css("display", "flex");
$("#checkBet").attr("gameid", obj.success.check_bet);
$("#error_bet").css("display", "");
$("#error_bet").html("Выпало " + obj.success.number);
Cookies.set("hid", obj.success.hid, { path: "/", secure: true });
$("#hashBet").attr("hid", obj.success.hid);
$("#userBalance").attr("myBalance", obj.success.new_balance);
updateBalance(obj.success.balance, obj.success.new_balance);
updateBalanceMobile(obj.success.balance, obj.success.new_balance);
if ("error" in obj) {
return $("#error_bet").css("display", "");
if ("new" in obj) {
Cookies.set("hid", obj.new.hid, { path: "/", secure: true });
$("#hashBet").attr("hid", obj.new.hid);
$("#error_bet").css("display", "");
function sss() {
$("#hashBet").fadeOut("slow", function () {
$("#hashBet").fadeIn("slow", function () {});
function validateDiceGameAmount(a) {
if (a.value > 1000000) {
a.value = 1000000;
return (a.value = a.value
.replace(/[,]/g, ".")
.replace(/[^\d,.]*/g, "")
.replace(/([,.])[,.]+/g, "$1")
.replace(/^[^\d]*(\d+([.,]\d{0,2})?).*$/g, "$1"));
function validateDiceGamePercent(a) {
if (a.value > 95) {
a.value = 95;
a.value = a.value
.replace(/[,]/g, ".")
.replace(/[^\d,.]*/g, "")
.replace(/([,.])[,.]+/g, "$1")
.replace(/^[^\d]*(\d+([.,]\d{0,2})?).*$/g, "$1");
function updateResultSize() {
if ($("#diceGameAmount").val() > 1000000) {
$("#diceResult").html(((100 / $("#diceGamePercent").val()) * $("#diceGameAmount").val()).toFixed(2));
$("#diceResultMobile").html(((100 / $("#diceGamePercent").val()) * $("#diceGameAmount").val()).toFixed(2));
$("#minButton").html(Math.floor(($("#diceGamePercent").val() / 100) * 999999));
$("#maxButton").html(999999 - Math.floor(($("#diceGamePercent").val() / 100) * 999999));
function getMinesRate() {
if ($("#minesAmount").prop("value") > 1000000) {
type: "POST",
url: "action.php",
beforeSend: function () {},
data: { type: "getMinesRate", bomb: $(".js-range-slider").prop("value"), amount: $("#minesAmount").prop("value") },
success: function (data) {
function getMinesRateMobile() {
if ($("#minesAmountMobile").prop("value") > 1000000) {
.update({ from: $("#countBombMobile").prop("value") });
type: "POST",
url: "action.php",
beforeSend: function () {},
data: { type: "getMinesRate", bomb: $("#countBombMobile").prop("value"), amount: $("#minesAmountMobile").prop("value") },
success: function (data) {
function getMoreWithdraws() {
type: "POST",
url: "action.php",
beforeSend: function () {
$("#gmw a").hide();
$("#gmw div").show();
data: { type: "getMoreWithdraws", sid: Cookies.get("sid"), of: parseInt($("#withdrawOf").val()) + 7 },
success: function (data) {
$("#gmw a").show();
$("#gmw div").hide();
$("#withdrawOf").val(parseInt($("#withdrawOf").val()) + 7);
function createGameMinesMobile() {
type: "POST",
url: "action.php",
beforeSend: function () {
data: { type: "createGameMines", sid: Cookies.get("sid"), bomb: $("#countBombMobile").prop("value"), amount: $("#minesAmountMobile").prop("value") },
success: function (data) {
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
if ("error" in obj) {
return $("#errorMines").html(obj.error.text);
'<div class="d-flex justify-content-center "><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),1)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),2)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),3)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),4)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),5)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),6)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),7)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),8)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),9)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),10)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),11)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),12)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),13)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),14)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),15)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),16)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),17)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),18)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),19)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),20)"></div></div><div class="d-flex justify-content-center mg-t-10"><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),21)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),22)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),23)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),24)"></div><div class="wd-65 ht-65 bg-gray-100 bd bd-1 mg-l-10 rounded-lg mines-sq text-center" onclick="chGameMines($(this),25)"></div></div>'
$("#userBalance").attr("myBalance", obj.success.new_balance);
updateBalance(parseInt($("#userBalance").html()), obj.success.new_balance);
updateBalanceMobile(parseInt($("#userBalanceMobile").html()), obj.success.new_balance);
$("#buttonFinishMinesMobile").html("Выберите ячейку");
function card(type) {
type: "POST",
url: "action.php",
beforeSend: function () {
data: { type: type, sid: Cookies.get("sid") },
success: function (data) {
skin: "round",
min: 2,
max: 24,
from: 3,
grid: true,
onChange: function (data) {
$("#carousel").on("slid.bs.carousel", function (e) {});
if (type == "cardWithdraw") {
type: "POST",
url: "action.php",
beforeSend: function () {
$("#gmw a").hide();
$("#gmw div").show();
data: { type: "getMoreWithdraws", sid: Cookies.get("sid"), of: 7 },
success: function (data) {
$("#gmw a").show();
$("#gmw div").hide();
function route() {
switch (window.location.pathname.replace("/1", "")) {
case "/dice":
case "/mines":
case "/wheel":
case "/coin":
case "/withdraw":
case "/ref":
case "/about":
case "/support":
case "/faq":
case "/terms":
case "/policy":
case "/bonus":
function removeWithdraw(id) {
type: "POST",
url: "action.php",
data: { type: "deletewithdraw", del: id },
success: function (data) {
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
if (obj.success == "success") {
type: "POST",
url: "action.php",
beforeSend: function () {
$("#gmw a").hide();
$("#gmw div").show();
data: { type: "getMoreWithdraws", of: 7 },
success: function (data) {
$("#gmw a").show();
$("#gmw div").hide();
updateBalance(obj.balance, obj.new_balance);
updateBalanceMobile(obj.balance, obj.new_balance);