!(function($, win, doc) {
"use strict";
var _doc = $(doc),
_win = $(win),
wnoty = doc.createElement("div"),
notify = "wnoty",
_notify = "#",
error = function(e) {
throw "error: Cannot Notify => " + e;
warn = function(l) {
(console.warn == "undefiend") ? console.log("Notify Warning: " + l) : console.warn("Notify Warning: " + l);
in_array = function(array, value) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] === value) return true;
return false;
PrefixedEvent = function(element, type, callback) {
var pfx = ["webkit", "moz", "MS", "o", ""];
for (var p = 0; p < pfx.length; p++) {
if (!pfx[p]) type = type.toLowerCase();
_doc.on(pfx[p] + type, element, callback);
closeNotify = function(button) {
button.parents("." + notify + "-notification").removeClass("" + notify + "-show");
setTimeout(function() {
button.parents("." + notify + "-notification").addClass("" + notify + "-hide")
}, 25);
initialize = function(set) {
var main = doc.createElement("div"),
wrapper = doc.createElement("div"),
icon = doc.createElement("i"),
text = doc.createElement("p"),
close = doc.createElement("span");
for(var g = 0; g < $("." + notify + "-notification").length; g++) {
var g = g;
wnoty.className = "" + notify + "-block " + notify + "-" + set.position;
main.className = "" + notify + "-notification " + notify + "-" + set.type + " leight-" + g;
main.id = "leight-" + g;
wrapper.className = notify + "-wrapper";
if(set.type == "error") {
icon.className = notify + "-icon fa fa-times-circle";
} else if(set.type == "success") {
icon.className = notify + "-icon fa fa-check-circle";
} else if(set.type == "warning") {
icon.className = notify + "-icon fa fa-exclamation-triangle";
} else if(set.type == "info") {
icon.className = notify + "-icon fas fa-info-circle";
close.className = "wnoty-close";
text.innerHTML = set.message;
$("." + notify + "-notification").removeClass("wnoty-show");
$("#leight-" + g).addClass("wnoty-show");
if (set.autohide == true) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, set.autohideDelay)
$.wnoty = function(options) {
var positions = ["top-left", "bottom-left", "top-right", "bottom-right"],
types = ["error", "success", "warning", "info"],
defaults = {
position: positions[2]
}, settings = {
message: "",
type: "",
autohide: true,
autohideDelay: 2500,
position: positions[2],
$.extend(settings, options);
if(settings.type == "" && !settings.type.length) error("Type is not defined!");
if(!in_array(types, settings.type)) error("Uhh, invalid notify type!");
if(settings.message == "" && !settings.message.length) error("Hmmm, Message seems to be empty or not defined!");
if(!in_array(positions, settings.position)) {
warn("Oh, Invalid position switching to default!");
settings.position = defaults.position;
if($("." + notify + "-notification").length >= 10) {
$("." + notify + "-notification:last").remove();
PrefixedEvent($("." + notify + "-notification"), "AnimationEnd", function() {
_doc.on("click", ".wnoty-close", function() {
})(window.jQuery, window, document)